CURIOSITÀ Il titolo di questo gioco si traduce dal giapponese come 'Musashi Ganryu Tale'.
Questo gioco è noto fuori dal Giappone come 'Ganryu'.
This game runs on the Neo-Geo MVS but was not released on the Neo-Geo AES home console.
On April 14th, 1612, Musashi defeated the famous - and some think superior - fencer Sasaki Ganryu Kojiro using a simple wooden sword which he carved from a boat oar on the way to the duel. Musashi had an opportunity to see Kojiro's sword sometime before the duel and knew of it's great length. Musashi carved the wooden sword to be of greater length. When Musashi arrived on the beach for the duel, he kept the wooden sword hidden behind him until the duel began. He jumped over a low strike of Kojiro, reaching about a meter off the ground and came down hard on Kojiro's head with his heavy wooden sword. Kojiro lay dying on the sand and Musashi left in a hurry without killing him. Some of Musashi's critics call him a coward for not killing him, but Musashi had proved his point as the killing of Kojiro was not the goal - defeating him was. This is why the Kojiro character in Musashi Ganryuki has a huge gash on his forehead. The storyline of Musashi Ganryuki is that Kojiro has come back from the dead to try and kill Musashi.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI Here are the statistics for the two characters: Musashi: Power 4 - Dexterity 2 - Vitality 4 Suzume: Power 2 - Dexterity 5 - Vitality 3
STAFF Producer: Ume.W Programmers: S. Kawakatsu Suoni: Yasuko Reeb Grafici: Hanage, R.T, M.K, Mi, T. Nakahata, F. Onishi, T. Nakazawa, Mo, Sadaijin
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Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki
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Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki
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