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is one of the most complete arcade emulator available: it allows to play thousands of titles that would otherwise be lost forever.
In this website it plays a key role and will be updated as new versions come out.

Some links for further information:


There are 889 different releases of emulators, all related to Mame.
Informations are updated to version 0.273 released on december 31 2024.
The emulated machines are 47,683 and including previously removed come to 53,277.

The total games processed to date is about 9.5 millions.
From these numbers are excluding unofficial versions of other Mame.

Software lists

A lot of Mame machines supports more programs/games and they are grouped into software lists, i.e. console software, computer games, embedded systems and a lot more.
There are 739 software lists with a total of 138,074 emulated programs and including those removed until version 1003 come to 821 and 167,460 programs.

The total programs processed to date is about 16.3 millions.

NOTE: Before release 0.162, the program with support for software lists was named MESS.