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Registered user
If you have a personal or temporary account, you can access this site by entering username and password below
Password lost?
If you lost your password, you can request a new one using this
User not registered yet?
If you've never logged on and want to request a user, you can use the
The process takes a few minutes to complete.
NOTICE: It's required a valid e-mail address to complete the process
Anonymous user
There is a third way to access advanced features of the site and it's to use an anonymous account.
This access is limited to 7 days since the request and when time is expired all the informations stored about that user will be deleted. There is no possibility of recovery of such data, which are removed by automatic procedures and also you can not use the account for further access.
Precisely for this reason, no data are required and some functions will be limited (i.e. you can't change the password, user data, receive e-mail, etc).
The most common use of that user is to do a trial run before create a real account.
To proceed you need only one click:
NOTICE: Once you've got username and password, you will enter immediately without any additional steps. If you want to use this access in the next few days you can do this by entering the username/password as a normal registered user. It will not be possible to obtain a new password, be sure not to miss it.