Fast search

Credits & Site information


Special thanks to:

Of course a special thanks to Nicola Salmoria and the whole team of for having created and distributed this fantastic program.
Anyone is free to work together to expand or correct the informations contained in this site.
Thanks to everybody who has worked and made this project possible.

Material contained in this site

The site uses external files from different sources. Here is a list of the material grouped by type:

How to contribute

You can contribute to the project in different ways:

  • you can report links and resources using the buttons in the detail page of a game, such as propose the correct short name or reporting errors on informations
  • you can suggest new pages or features in order to improve the site
  • you can send new video (shortplays and longplays) in order to complete all the missing files (see the on ArcadeItalia and the folder on for more details)
  • you can donate something, even small amounts, using PayPal

    In this case a part of the money collected will be donated to Arcade Italia which is hosting my site

Front-end, web site and third party applications

Here are some of the programs that use the information available on this site:

If you are a developer and you want to know more details about scraping features, look and you wil find all technical informations.

Logo and banner

If you want to put a link to this site, you can use one of these images:

 		<img src="http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/css/images/arcade_database_banner1.png" width="110" height="55" alt="Arcade Database"></img> 	

 		<img src="http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/css/images/arcade_database_banner2.png" width="110" height="110" alt="Arcade Database"></img> 	


If you're wondering where did the name motoschifo, take a look at this ;)

Technical details

This site has been created from scratch starting with a text editor, and then continue with integrated environment (used as advanced editor rather than as a development platform).
For the purpose I used a structure core that is common to all my sites and that allows me to create complex page with little effort.
These are the tools and programs that I used to get the site:

© Copyright and legal

The logo design was created using the font Invaders from space by
This site DO NOT allows you to download and it not contains illegal material such as the roms of the games. Any request for this type of file will be ignored.
Everything is done for hobby and totally no-profit.
Behind this site there is just a great passion for computers and the arcade world.

In order to post the external material contained on this site, you must request permission to the original author (see the list at top of page).
Everything else you may use, share or link freely, as long as you keep the license and reference to this web site. It's pleasing to receive a notification message, so I can also report your site on this page.
When in doubt, before proceeding, please send me an email so there will be no misunderstandings.

Unless otherwise indicated, the material on this site is meant under license.
All names and images are used here for informational purposes only ("Fair Use" usage, per 17 U.S.C. Section 107), Their use neither detracts value nor inhibits sales in any way.
All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective copyright and trademark holders.
MAME® is a registered trademark of Gregory Ember.
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