Use right mouse button click and select Copy link option
Using this page you will be able to retrieve data from the website and therefore be comfortable for any uses on front-end, scrapers and other software.
The informations you find here are always up to date with the latest changes, so this is the only supported version. That's precisely why I have added a
release field that will be useful in case of problems.
The returned information should always be used by citing the source, authors, and copyrights.
You can use one or more of the following data to indicate the source:
Scraping using Arcade Database by motoschifo
Anyway, before you start using this page, let me know it with a
so that I can add your name to the thanks/credits page and maybe I can implement new functions not yet scheduled.
All names and images are used here for informational purposes only ("Fair Use" usage, per 17 U.S.C. Section 107), Their use neither detracts value nor inhibits sales in any way.
All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective copyright and trademark holders.
MAME® is a registered trademark of Nicola Salmoria.
All trademarks registered. Please use the
for any question.
In order to provide services to everyone (scraper, site users, video creators, administrators),
it is strongly recommended to use a single connection per ip address at a time, that is a single thread to query and download files for each user.
In case of bandwidth problems, I could set limits on these connections or not allow downloading files.
Whenever possible join together the calls. For example, looking for 10 romsets informations instead of making 10 distinct calls. With this system there is less overhead and the server can provide more people at the same time.
Data can be transmitted using GET or POST methods. If you are using the first method, pay attention to the number of characters in the url and keep it to a maximum of 800. Going further could cause problems during processing of requests.
Unless otherwise indicated, all data informations are in json format and UTF-8 encoding. Use a decoding/parser library so you do not have problems if I add parameters in future.
Outbound parameters will always be these:
release (int) | Release number of the function, useful to check if any changes have been made to what was returned the time before. I will try to keep compatibility with the past so changes will probably be only new input parameters or added output data. |
result (object) | It contains the data of the specific function and may also vary considerably (see below for more information). |
If there is a problem (maintenance site or internal error), an
HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable message will be returned.
Request informations, images, videos, and other data regarding one or multiple Mame romsets.
The data returned refers to the latest available release for the single romset.
Provides the number of downloads allowed based on the available bandwidth of the server.
The limits are set on several levels, by number or file size: ip address/daily, daily, weekly, monthly.
If only one of these values is reached, download files from the site are not allowed.
The information is updated in realtime.
Request information of games similar to a Mame romset.
The data returned refers to the latest available release for the single romset.
Request images, videos, manuals and other data regarding one or multiple Mame romsets. The data returned refers to the latest available release for the single romset.