A horizontal monitor is split into three sections, one for each of up to three people. Players wander around a space station shooting as many Ridley-Scott-esque aliens as they can before health or time runs out- then it's off to the next space station. There are multiple weapon types, including a duck gun!
DATI TECNICI Bally Midway MCR 68k hardware [No. 0E85]
CPU principale: Motorola 68000 (@ 7,7238 Mhz) CPU sonora: Motorola 68000 (@ 8 Mhz) Chip sonori: DAC
Giocatori: 3 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni. Pulsanti: 3
CURIOSITÀ Xenophobe è stato rilasciato nel Luglio 1987.
The word 'Xenophobe' (pronounced 'Zee-no-phobe') is a psychiatric term meaning 'fear of aliens'. Programmer Gary Oglesby contributed this name.
The game earned so much money during first weeks of testing that the programmer was pulled off the game to work on a pinball project.
Xenophobe was a highly original game with a highly original concept. It was a victim of a production scheduling snafu. Due to its production being pushed ahead, a lot of the game's tuning was axed. There are many objects in the game that the player can pick up, but have no use.
Brian Colin & Jeff Nauman originally conceived this game with a tomb-robbing treasure hunting theme, but when programmer Howard Shere was assigned to the project, his love of science fiction prompted the shift to an ALIEN spoof.
Michael Ward holds the official record for this game, on Medium setting, with 2,500,000 points on June 11, 2004.
STAFF Programmer: Howard Shere Art and graphics: Brian Colin Sounds and music: Michael Bartlow (Souvenir of Omaha) Hardware designers and support: Bob Ploussard, True Truong Mechanical designer: John Kubik Technical support: Jim Belt, Sue Lohse Game concept and designers: Brian Colin, Howard Shere Development: Jeff Nauman, Bob Libbe, Gary Oglesby, Tom Leon, Larry Stalmah, Peter Perry
[US] Nintendo NES (dic. 1988) "Xenophobe [Modello NES-XE]" [US] Atari 7800 (1989) "Xenophobe [Modello CX7858]" [US] Atari 2600 (1990) "Xenophobe [Modello CX26172]" Sony PlayStation 2 [AU] (2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2" [US] Microsoft XBOX (11 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello MWO-3201W]" Nintendo GameCube [US] (11 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello DOL-GAYE-USA]" [US] Sony PS2 (11 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello SLUS-20997]" [EU] Microsoft XBOX (29 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2" [EU] Sony PS2 (29 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello SLES-52844]" Microsoft XBOX 360 [US] (6 nov. 2012) "Midway Arcade Origins" Sony PlayStation 3 [US] (6 nov. 2012) "Midway Arcade Origins [Modello BLUS-31083]" [EU] Microsoft XBOX 360 (15 nov. 2012) "Midway Arcade Origins" Sony PlayStation 3 [EU] (15 nov. 2012) "Midway Arcade Origins [Modello BLES-01768]"
Atari Lynx [US] (1992) "Xenophobe [Modello PA2026]" [US] Sony PSP (13 dic. 2005) "Midway Arcade Treasures Extended Play [Modello ULUS-10059]" [EU] Sony PSP (24 feb. 2006) "Midway Arcade Treasures Extended Play [Modello ULES-00180]"
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