DATI TECNICI Gira sull'hardware SNK "Neo-Geo MVS". ID gioco: NGM-065
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 2 → [A] Scivolata and receive/Throw, [B] Lob
CURIOSITÀ Flying Power Disc è stato rilasciato il February 17, 1994 in Giappone.
Questo gioco è noto fuori dal Giappone come Windjammers.
Each characters in game has his own native language (i.e. Costa says 'Perfecto').
Flying Power Disc contains 2 mini-games. After the second match, Dog Distance consists in catching the disc as far as possible with your dog. After the fourth match, Flying Disc Bowling allows us to make strikes and spares with the flying disc.
Flying Power Disc is based on the real world flying disc sport called '10-S'. But the inventor of the 10-S has never give permission or signed any agreement to allow Neo Geo or Data East to use 10-S as a model for Windjammers. It have never been compensated for the illegal use of 10-S rules and method of play. 10-S was created in 1977 and copyrighted in 1980.
Pony Canyon / Scitron hanno pubblicato un album della colonna sonora in edizione limitata di questo gioco il 18 Marzo 1994 (Fighters History Dynamite & Flying Power Disc - PCCB-00149).
AGGIORNAMENTI Curiously, B. Yoo of Korea is replaced with S. Miller of Britain only on the USA Territory dip switch setting. The sprites remain exactly the same, but the voice is changed to that of an Englishman.
STAFF Capo progetto: Takaaki Inoue Planner: Adachi Pentax Programmers: Takaaki Inoue, Wataru Iida Grafici: Nozu Makoto, Galactus Mina, Yoshiyuki Urushibara, El Santo Inopita, Masateru Inagaki (Flex Inagaki), Hiroshi Tamawashi, Tomoyuki Arakawa Bug-Dashi's: Takatoshi Katahata, Kagenobu Murata Sound Creators: Atomic & Tom & Koremasa Ringraziamenti speciali: Steve Miller, E. Kariya
[JP] SNK Neo-Geo AES (apr.8, 1994) "Flying Power Disc [Modello NGH-065]" [US] SNK Neo-Geo AES (1994) "Windjammers - Flying Disk Game [Modello NGH-065]" [JP] SNK Neo-Geo CD (jan.20, 1995) "Flying Power Disc [Modello DECD-002]" [US] SNK Neo-Geo CD (1995) "Windjammers - Flying Disk Game [Modello DECD-002E]" Nintendo Wii [Virtual Console] [JP] (june.22, 2010) Neo Geo version
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=3169&o=2
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Windjammers / Flying Power Disc
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Windjammers / Flying Power Disc
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