CURIOSITÀ Sviluppato da ADK. ADK's name is 'Alpha Denshi Kikaku'.
Rilasciato nell'Aprile 1994.
Jack the Ripper is based on the real Jack the Ripper, who brutally murdered and mutilated five prostitutes in London in 1888. Ryofu is based on the real Lu Bu Fengxian, one of the famous warrior of the Three Kingdoms period.
Soundtrack releases: [JP] February 18, 1994 - World Heroes 2 Jet [GSM 1500 Series] [PCCB-00148] [JP] Agosto 19, 1994 - World Heroes 2 Jet Image Album [PCCB-00160] - Pony Canyon Scitron
Endings: World Heroes 2 Jet is a very fun game, but only has 4 different endings available. Here is how to get each of these:
Ending 1 - Beat Zeus in 'Tournament Mode' in the second or third round with 25% of remaining energy or less in your character's lifebar. Ending 2 - Beat Zeus in 'Tournament Mode' in the second or third round with 75% of remaining energy in your character's lifebar. Ending 3 - Get a 'Perfect' against Zeus in 'Tournament Mode' in the second or third round (This is the true ending, since the developer's credits will appear only in this one!). Ending 4 - Defeat 4 opponents in 'The Forging of Warriors Mode' to see this ending.
Alternate costume Colors: Press B or C when selecting a character.
World Heroes [Modello NGM-053] (1992)
World Heroes 2 [Modello NGM-057] (1993)
World Heroes 2 Jet [Modello NGM-064] (1994)
World Heroes Perfect [Modello NGM-090] (1995)
STAFF Producer & Planner: Kenji Sawatari Producer & Director: Akira Ushizawa Market Research: Yukio Gotoh System Programmers: Eiji Fukatsu, Makio Chiba Programmatore suono: Makio Chiba Design-Tool Programmer: Ryu Hiroyuki Programmatori principali: Tat&MST, E-Chan, Puyo (Toshi) Editor: Sho Musica ed effetti sonori: Hideki Yamamoto, Yuka Watanabe, Hiroaki Shimizu Chief Scroll Designers: Kenichi Sakanishi Scroll Designers: Takashi Egashira, Mitsunari Ishida Chief Sprite Designer: Hiroyuki Toda Sprite Designers: Hideyuki Yamada, Muneki Shiraishi, Yokoo, Giga. S, Yasuyuki Sohara, West-Maison, Kazushige Hakamata (K-Hakamata), Yoshiaki Ono Grafici: Gensan, Rie Mori, Masato Mitsuya Public Information: K. Fujita, S. Itoo IÌ Game Adviser: Tsutomu Maruyama Produttore esecutivo: Kazuo Arai Event Produce Take: Koji T. Shimizu, James Steins
Ringraziamenti speciali: Rulia 046, H. Ando (K-Fuuma), M. Honda, K. Takada, A. Kawamoto, M. Kamimura, F. Kawazoe, F. Sokabe, S. Miura, F. Miwa, S. Nakano, Endo, Taga, Hiroshi Ohzono, Nogu-P, M. Kosugi, T. Yamazaki
[JP] SNK Neo-Geo AES (june.10, 1994) "World Heroes 2 Jet [Modello NGH-064]" [US] SNK Neo-Geo AES (june.10, 1994) "World Heroes 2 Jet [Modello NGH-064]" [JP] SNK Neo-Geo CD (11 nov. 1994) "World Heroes 2 Jet [Modello ADCD-007]" [JP] Nintendo Game Boy (feb.24, 1995) "Nettou World Heroes 2 Jet [Modello DMG-AWJJ]" [US] Nintendo Game Boy (aug.??, 1995) "World Heroes 2 Jet [Modello DMG-AWJE]" [EU] Nintendo Game Boy (??? ??, 1995) [JP] Sony PS2 (18 ott. 2007) "World Heroes Gorgeous [Modello SLPS-25782]" [US] Sony PS2 (11 mar. 2008) "World Heroes Anthology [Modello SLUS-21725]" [AU] Sony PlayStation 2 (25 set. 2008) "World Heroes Anthology" [EU] Sony PS2 (7 nov. 2008) "World Heroes Anthology [Modello SLES-55233]" [JP] Sony PS2 (18 giu. 2009) "World Heroes Gorgeous [NeoGeo Online Collection The Best] [Modello SLPS-25933]"
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World Heroes 2 Jet
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