Taking place in the year 1999 of an alternate Earth, follow the adventures of four heroes as they take on an army of mythical monsters unleashed by Valdool to bring about the destruction of the world. Take your pick from Leo the Lion King, Tao the Martial artist, Tabasa the Witch, or Mukuro the Ninja as they fight their way across the globe in order to defeat Valdool the iron giant.
DATI TECNICI Capcom Play System III Hardware (CP-S III) ID gioco: CP-S III No. 01 CD Number: CAP-WZD000 CD Label: CAP-WZD-5
CPU principale: Hitachi SH2 (possibly 2) Storage: SCSI CD Rom, RAM and Flash ROM. RAM: SIMMs on the left w/ 16M of data each (each has 8x 16M Flash ROMs, there's 4 SIMMs plugged in on this board). SIMMs on the right w/ 8M each (there's 4 Flash ROMs on each board and there are 2 SIMMs plugged in) OSC: 60MHz. 42.9545MHz, XTAL 3.6864MHz.
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 6
→ [1] LP (Jab), [2] MP (Short), [3] HP (Fierce) → [4] LK (Strong), [5] MK (Forward), [6] HK (Roundhouse)
CURIOSITÀ Warzard è stato rilasciato nell'Ottobre 1996.
Questo gioco è noto fuori dal Giappone come "Red Earth". Despite the common appearance of the game in Japan, it saw a very limited release in the United States.
War-Zard is the first game to run on the Capcom Play System III hardware (CPS III), the first Capcom system that uses a CD-Rom instead of expensive EPROMs to hold the game data (about 50MB). When starting a cabinet with a new CPS-3 game the first time, the hardware needs 25 minutes to initialize the game. In fact it overwrites some flashroms with data from the new CD. This procedure allows the game later to startup as fast as it would normally run from regular EEPROMs.
The character Leo was inspired by Conan the Barbarian.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI During the game's credits (staff roll), press MP (Middle Punch) and UP to make Mobi-chan (the little Capcom robot) appear. Now you can shoot the credits for fun.
CONVERSIONI This game was never ported to any home consoles available at that time (Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation). This was most likely due to the lack of RAM these consoles had, which the game needed to store the thousands of sprite animations. Another reason could have been the limited character roster available (only 4 fighters) for 2 player fighting.
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=3299&o=2
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Warzard (Japan 961023)
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