10 mystical characters and 2 end bosses battle for dominance in a 3-D environment.
Billions of years ago, an alien soldier was transporting his civilization's life giving ore. The creation of the solar system caused his ship to crash, scattering the ore throughout the newly formed earth. Over time, ten humans came in contact with the ore; they were transformed into super-evolved warriors. These are the 'War Gods'! They battle each other for ore to determine the fate of the earth.
DATI TECNICI Midway V Unit hardware
CPU principale: TMS32031 (@ 50 Mhz) CPU sonora: ADSP2115 (@ 16 Mhz) Chip sonori: (2x) DMA-basato (@ 16 Mhz)
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 6
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nel Dicembre 1995.
This game is the only game on the Midway V Unit to use a hard-disk (401 megabyte). Only about 100M of the hard drive is used.
War Gods was the first truly 3-D fighting game to include the Digital Skin Technology that eliminates polygon look.
Michael Jackson possedeva questo gioco. È stato venduto all'asta ufficiale di Michael Jackson il 24 Apr. 2009.
STAFF Executive Producers: Neil Nicastro, Ken Fedesna Produttori associati: Cary Mednick, Paul Dussault
PROGRAMMING Capo progetto, System Design: Joe Linhoff Co-Lead, Game Play: George Petro Systems/DCS2: Matt Booty, Ed Keenan
ART / ANIMATION Art Direction, Creazione personaggi/Models: Jim Gentile Animatore capo, Creazione personaggi: Jim Rohn Background Designs, Models/Effects: Dave Zabloudil Character Animation: Tom Brierton Arte aggiuntiva: Eric Kinkead
SOUNDS Music/Speech/Effetti sonori: Vince Pontarelli Voice of Exor: Jeff Morrow
Arte aggiuntiva: David Simon, John Carlton, Nik Ehrlich, Jack E. Haeger Hardware Design: Ray Macika, Mark Loffredo, Cary Mednick, Chris Bobrowski, Donna Conrad, Steve Correll, Pat Cox, Chris Krubel, Al Lasko, John Lowes, Steve Norris, Keith Novak, Sheridan Oursler, Jeff Peters, Greg Piotrowski, Tom Sedor, Ross Shaffer, Glen Shipp, Ted Valvanis, Ken Williams Motion Talent: Al Gomez, Tony Marquez, Melissa Grein, Randy Raethke
VIDEO TALENT Warhead: Brian Glynn Kabuki Jo: Min Chong Pagan: Kathy Terrafino Tak: Tak Ohseki Voodoo: William Obea Vallah: Kerri Hoskins Ahau Kin: Brian Smith Anubis: Jon Larrieu Cy-5, Maximus: Todd Burquist
Tester gioco: Alex Gilliam, Paulo Garcia, Sydney Strong, Shariq Kahn, Mike Cronin, Sherman Simon, Sheridan Simon, Eddie Ferrier, Mike Vinikour
Make-Up/Costumes: Art Anthony (Make-Up/Costumes/Armor), Cindy Maniates, Costume Exchange Inc. Exor/Grox Sculptures: Paul Jessel, Marie Cenkner, Animasaur Productions
Ringraziamenti speciali: John Root, Jon Hey, Jeff Johnson, Louis Mangubat, Todd Allen, D.B. (Snoozy), Ela Aktay, Sal Divita, Gina Ehrlich, Joan Faux, Pat Fitzgerald, Mary Gentile, Rachael Gentile, Jim Greene, Eugene Jarvis, Heidi Keenan, Lily Klinger, Christina Linhoff, John Krawzack, Leslie Petro, Nicholas Petro, Alexander Petro, Eric Pribyl, Maryann Rohn, Jamie Rohn, Art Tianis, Jim Tianis, Mark Turmell, Christa Woss, Dan Wojciechowicz
Sony PlayStation (1997) Nintendo 64 (1997)
PC [Windows 95] (1997)
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=3135&o=2
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War Gods
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War Gods (HD 08/15/1996)
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