Fourteen well-animated creatures from Hell rip, tear and otherwise fight for control of the nether-realms.
DATI TECNICI Gira sull'hardware "CP System II". Scheda verde [Giappone]
Giocatori: Up to 2. Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni per giocatore. Pulsanti: 6 per player. = > [1] LP, [2] MP, [3] HP = > [4] LK, [5] MK, [6] HK
CURIOSITÀ Vampire Hunter 2 è stato rilasciato solo in Giappone nel Settembre 1997. Era noto lì come il 27th video game released for the CPS2 hardware.
This game is not a actual sequel, but rather a redesigned version, using the newest Darkstalkers engine. It even includes a reworked version of "Vampire Savior 2"'s intro, which removes all references to Jedah, Bulleta, Q-Bee and Lilith.
Capcom cheated with Vampire Hunter 2, since, chronologically, Anita would be in her teens by the time of Vampire Savior, but they removed Donovan from "Vampire Savior"'s storyline, bringing in Bulleta, instead.
Huitzil (Phobos' name outside of Japan) is the diminutive of 'Huitzilopochtli' (which means 'Blue Hummingbird on the Left'). He was the chief god of the great Aztec city Tenochtitlan and became after his death the Aztec god of the Sun and War.
AGGIORNAMENTI Scheda verde revisions:
Build date: 970913
Build date: 970929
Hidden Warriors: The first will appear if you make 3 'DARK FORCÈ or 3 'EX FINISH' without losing a round. The second will appear after 6 'EX FINISH' without losing a round.
Shoul Mode: On the character select screen, go to the [?] box, press Start 5 times, then push any punch or kick button.
Alternate Shoul Mode: on the character select screen, go to the character whom you would like to use first stage, then press Start 3 times, after that go to the [?] box, press Start 5 times, then push any punch or kick button.
Marionette Mode: On the character select screen, go to the [?] box, press Start 7 times, then push any punch or kick button.
Priest Bishamon: On the character select screen, go to Bishamon, hold Start and press any punch or kick button.
Vampire - The Night Warriors [Scheda verde] (1994, Arcade)
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Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge
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