Twin Bee is an overhead scrolling game starring a pair of bee-shaped robots, Twinbee (the blue one) and his female counterpart Winbee (the pink one), Twin Bee is part of what are called 'cute 'em ups', a slang for shoot-em-up games that feature cute characters, animals and other funny looking creatures, among other whimsical themes and brightly colored landscapes. It's a fun game to play with at least 6 stages that repeat themselves with increased difficulty as you go along.
Power-ups and extra points can be found in special bells hidden in some enemies that, when shot a certain number of times, will change color and then, when touched by the player, will provide a powerup, such as extra speed.
DATI TECNICI Konami's Bubble System ID gioco: GX412
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 2
CURIOSITÀ Twin Bee è stato rilasciato nel Marzo 1985.
This is the first title using Konami's Bubble System Board.
Twin Bee had an overseas (U.S.) title, Stinger, depicted on the cover of its arcade operator's manual. However, the U.S. version was never actually released. The "Stinger" title would later used for the NES version of Moero TwinBee.
Alfa Records ha pubblicato un album della colonna sonora in edizione limitata di questo gioco il 25 Giugno 1986 (Konami Game Music Vol.1 - 28XA-85).
Formation Bonus: If you take out all enemies in a formation, you get bonus points.
Yellow bell bonus: If you keep on picking up yellow bells, you earn increasing bonus points. The bonus will increase up to 10,000 points. But if you miss picking up even 1 bell in the process, the bonus drops to 500 points.
If you keep on shooting a bell: The bell will break and turn into a bee! Be careful.
Change the color of a bell as you wish: The color of a bell changes after every 5 shots
5 -- white 10 -- blue 15 -- green 20 -- red
The Multiple and Barrier cannot be used together: When you have your Multiple, the Barrier (red bell) will not be available. When you have your barrier, the multiple (green bell) will not be available.
If you take out enemies on the ground: Fruit items will appear. Pick them up to get bonus points. Strange items will appear every once in a while.
Call an ambulance: When you get one of your hands destroyed, get your other hand destroyed (if you can afford it) to call an ambulance.
Twin Bee [Modello GX412] (1985, Arcade)
Moero TwinBee - Cinnamon Hakase o Sukue! [Modello KDS-TIN] (1986, Famicom Disk System)
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TwinBee (ROM version)
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