DATI TECNICI Midway WPC-Security Numero modello: 50039
CPU principale: Motorola M6809 (@ 2 Mhz) CPU sonora: ADSP2105 (@ 10 Mhz) Chip sonori: DAC DMA-basato
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nel Marzo 1995. 6,600 units were produced.
In the Hidden Staircase animation, you can spot DOHO in the lower left corner.
A cow can be seen during the Metamorphosis mode.
The machine was once a prize offered in the UK version of The Price is Right in 2006, however the contestant was unsuccessful in winning it.
AGGIORNAMENTI REVISION 1.0 (changes from prototype 0.8): Date: March 21, 1995
Enhanced status report.
Enhanced Skill Shot bad switch logic.
Added French and Spanish translations.
Enhanced ball search logic.
REVISION 1.1 Date: April 3, 1995
Trunk is now searched first during ball search.
Corrected the buy-in audit.
REVISION 1.2 Date: April 7, 1995
Fixed Trunk Test. It was incorrectly detecting and marking errors.
REVISION 1.3 Date: August 9, 1995
Correct a bug in the Multiball Lock logic where balls could not be locked after video pinball was played.
The lockup device now behaves better when one of its switches is broken.
Slingshots now disabled at game over.
Fixed the logic on the outlane proximity switches. If a switch is stuck on, and Hocus Pocus is enabled, the magnet is no longer fired.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI When you start a game, hold the left flipper button. The first Basement Award will now be Digital Pinball where player 1 plays for 40M, all other players play for Extra Ball.
Holding the right flipper button at the start of a game will activate MK3 Symbols. Spell THEATRE to reveal the symbols.
Shoot the Trunk 3 times in Hat Magic mode to make a telephone appear on the screen. 'Move your car' is heard from it.
STAFF Concept & Design: John Popadiuk (POP) Artwork: Linda Deal (LTD) Software: Jeff Johnson (JBJ) DMD Animation: Adam Rhine (ASR), Brian Morris Meccanismi: Jack Skalon (JWS), Ernie Pizarro Musica e suoni: Dave Zabriskie (ZAB)
Xbox 360 [Xbox Live] (4 Apr. 2012) "The Pinball Arcade" Sony PS3 [Sony PSN] (10 Apr. 2012) "The Pinball Arcade"
MAC OS [Mac App Store] (2012)
Apple Store (9 Feb. 2012) "The Pinball Arcade" Android (10 Feb. 2012) "The Pinball Arcade"
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=5306&o=2
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Theatre Of Magic
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Theatre Of Magic (1.0 French)
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