The 4th episode of the 3-D one-on-one fighting game. The most advanced part in the series with a total of 21 characters. As like other parts of the series, in Tekken4 a few of the old characters like Eddy have been removed... and some new characters like Christie, Craig, Steve etc. have been added. There have been several improvements since the last game in the series like the statues, boxes, phone booths etc. will break on impact due to opponents attack.
DATI TECNICI Hardware Namco System 246.
CPU: 128 Bit "Emotion Engine"
System Clock: 300 MHz
System Memory: 32 MB Direct Rambus
Memory Bus Bandwidth: 3.2 GB per second
Co-Processor: FPU (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 1, Floating Point Divider x 1)
Vector Units: VU0 and VU1 (Floating Point Multiply Accumulator x 9, Floating Point Divider x 1)
Floating Point Performance: 6.2 GFLOPS
3D CG Geometric Transformation: 66 million Polygons Per Second
Compressed Image Decoder: MPEG2
Graphics: "Graphics Synthesizer"
Clock Frequency: 150MHz
DRAM Bus bandwidth: 48 GB Per Second
DRAM Bus width: 2560 bits
Pixel Configuration: RGB:Alpha:Z Buffer (24:8:32)
Maximum Polygon Rate: 75 Million Polygons Per Second
Suoni: "SPU2+CPU"
Number of voices: ADPCM: 48 channel on SPU2 plus definable by software
Sampling Frequency: 44.1 KHz or 48 KHz (selectable)
I/O Processor
CPU Core: Current PlayStation CPU
Clock Frequency: 33.8 MHz or 37.5 MHz (selectable)
Sub Bus: 32 Bit
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nel Luglio 2001.
Il titolo di questo gioco si traduce dal giapponese come 'Iron Fist 4'.
New to the series is the ring-based play system... i.e: the characters play within a ring-looking stage. Player can push his opponent to a wall... and then beat him while he's stuck between the wall and the player.
The supercharge (LP+RP+LK+RK) which existed in previous games has been removed in this game... it was quiet useful for making your attacks register as counter hits. Though it has been put again in "Tekken 5", the latest sequel to the series.
Registering juggles got harder in Tekken 4 due to the extreme reality put into the game. In previous games you could create long juggles in which some time the character would get hit even if he is far away from you and in reality you would have missed him. In Tekken 4, this reality made the juggling game difficult but more life-like.
Tekken 4's 'Airport' stage is heavily reminiscent of the common airport stages from the "The King of Fighters" series.
The character Steve Fox was originally going to be called Dean Earwicker. A few early pictures of this character actually had the name printed. The name Dean Earwicker later appeared on the Sony PS2 version as a Tekken Force enemy.
Scitron Digital Content released a 2 CD limited-edition soundtrack album for this game il 22/05/2002 (Tekken 4 original sound tracks - SCDC-00181~182).
There's no hidden off-screen character so when a new character will be released you will see him.
You can move your attack before the match is started, though you can attack.
Tekken (1994, ARC)
Tekken 2 (1995, ARC)
Tekken 3 (1997, ARC)
Tekken Tag Tournament (1999, ARC)
Tekken Tag Tournament Turbo (1999, ARC)
Tekken 4 (2001, ARC)
Tekken Advance [Modello AGB-ATKJ-JPN] (2001, GBA)
Tekken 5 (2004, ARC)
Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection (2005, ARC)
Tekken 6 (2007, ARC)
Tekken 6 - Bloodline Rebellion (2008, ARC)
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (2011, ARC)
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Unlimited (2012, ARC)
Tekken 7 (2015, ARC)
Sony PlayStation 2 (2002)
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Tekken 4
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