On screens where the enemies move consistently pick them all off in batches when they appear. You will then have a few seconds of clear time in which to shoot more hoppers before more enemies re-appear.
In the caterpillar room, stay away from the edge of the screen as the enemies only move there. Once one complete a full circuit of the room, it will mutate into a butterfly which quickly homes in on you. Try not to let them complete a circuit.
If you are about to be crushed by the walls, use a smart bomb as they are easier to obtain than extra lives. It's worth the price to save a life.
In the bonus room, run over the higher numbers first, especially those to the left and right edges as they are quickly swallowed up by the moving walls.
It's better to shoot the last little hopper near the top or bottom of the screen, as you then have some extra time in which to pick off a few more enemies before the walls close.
The enemies appear opposite to your position. For example if you are at the bottom of the screen, they will appear at the top and move towards you.
Try only to use smart bombs when the maximum number of enemies are on screen to maximise their effect and your points for doing so.
STAFF Progettato e programmato da: Chris Oberth, Gunar Licitis
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=2843&o=2
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Tazz-Mania (set 1)
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