[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=sttng_l5&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=sttng_l5]Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-5) (romset sttng_l5) on Arcade Database[/url]
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=sttng_l5'><img alt='' src='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=sttng_l5&type=ingame'><br/>Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-5) (romset sttng_l5) on Arcade Database</a>
DATI TECNICI Williams WPC (DCS) Numero modello: 50023
CPU principale: Motorola M6809 (@ 2 Mhz) CPU sonora: ADSP2105 (@ 10 MHz) Chip sonori: DMA-basato (@ 10 MHz)
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nel Novembre 1993. This game was part of WMS' SuperPin series. 11,728 units were produced.
Based on the hit TV series of the same name. This game features original speech by the original TV cast, including Patrick Stewart, Michael Dorn, and Jonathan Frakes.
Michael Jackson used to own this game (Serial number: 53323429261). È stato venduto all'asta ufficiale di Michael Jackson il 24 Apr. 2009.
AGGIORNAMENTI REVISION L-1 (changes from revision P-8): Date: November 30, 1993
Initial release to production.
Fixed the Final Frontier start.
Enhanced logic on staged balls in poppers.
REVISION L-2 Date: December 7, 1993
Lengthened ball search delay at the start of Final Frontier.
Delayed some coil firing to try to keep the coil fuse from fatiguing.
Fixed the music restart after an extra ball in Battle Simulation.
Increased default replay boost.
Auto replay scores can now adjust above 500 million.
REVISION L-3 Date: December 12, 1993
Added adjustment A.2 24 to disable holodeck from skill shot after locks are awarded.
Lighting Lock from the neutral zone is now controlled from the multiball percentage adjustment.
REVISION L-4 Date: December 28, 1993
Fixed a problem where the game would hang if the player tilts during the Lock effect.
Warp 9 now turns off missions and command decision. Only multiball and video mode will interrupt Warp 9 now.
Enhanced the broken gun launcher opto compensation.
REVISION L-5 Date: December 30, 1993
Fixed 1 coin/1 credit buy-in logic.
REVISION L-6 Date: February 8, 1994
Added adjustment A.2 25 Restart After Warp. Set to NO to inhibit the warp factor feature from resetting after warp 9.
The 'Thank you, Mr. Data' flipper bonus now works only if both flipper buttons are pressed.
Changed the 1/2 credit sound.
Enhanced the logic on the catapult to let the ball settle on it before launching.
Increased the scoring during Final Frontier.
Added adjustment A.2 26 Super Spinner. Set to OFF to inhibit the super spinner from lighting on warp 6.
Fixed Ferengi and Cardassian Multiballs. They were not correctly handling the case of all the balls quickly draining.
REVISION L-7 Date: February 17, 1994
Added adjustment A.2 27 Poker Night. Set to OFF to disable Poker Video Mode selection.
Hidden messages: During Attract mode, press the following sequence to see the following hidden messages (L = Left flipper, R = Right flipper, B = Both flipper buttons):
B, 8L, 1R, 5L, 1R, 5L, 1R, 6L, 2R: Steve Ritchie's games (starting with his first game, 1977's "Airborne Avenger") B, 1R, 5L, 1R, 1L, 1R, 6L, 2R: CHANGE RULES AS NEEDED. -DAMMIT B, 1R, 6L, 1R, 7L, 1R, 3L, 2R: HI TED B, 1L, 1R, 1L, 1R, 6L, 1R, 5L, 2R: HELLO DOC X B, 1L, 1R, 1L, 1R, 6L, 1R, 7L, 2R: THE BORG ARE REAL PARTY ANIMALS (with graphic) B, 1L, 1R, 8L, 1R, 9L, 3R: HI ZAP B, 2L, 1R, 1L, 1R, 3L, 1R, 5L, 2R: HIYA SEXY I LOVE YOU (with graphic) B, 2L, 1R, 5L, 1R, 9L, 1R, 4L, 2R: HI DAN B, 2L, 1R, 6L, 1R, 1L, 1R, 4L, 2R: HI BILL B, 3L, 1R, 3L, 1R, 3L, 1R, 3L, 2R: HELLO WORLD B, 3L, 1R, 3L, 1R, 9L, 1R, 1L, 2R: HI TRACEY B, 4L, 1R, 9L, 2R, 7L, 2R: MATTHEW C. CORIALE (with graphic) B, 5L, 1R, 9L, 1R, 4L, 1R, 9L, 2R: HI CAB B, 6L, 1R, 9L, 1R, 6L, 1R, 9L, 2R: HI DOHO B, 1L, 1R, 4L, 1R, 7L, 1R, 7L, 2R: HELLO XAQERY ÌVE MISSED YOU B, 8L, 1R, 1L, 1R, 1L, 1R, 8L, 2R: SUPER GAME RULES B, 8L, 1R, 1L, 1R, 4L, 1R, 8L, 2R: HI GEORGE B, 9L, 2R, 8L, 1R, 9L, 2R: HI JASON B, 9L, 1R, 2L, 1R, 2L, 1R, 3L, 2R: HI TEX B, 9L, 1R, 8L, 1R, 7L, 1R, 6L, 2R: GOOD LUCK LED
Secret Mission: When the Shuttle ramp is entered and the display shows 'Holodeck 3 is Ready', pull the gun trigger three times. Every target is now worth 1M+odd number.
Hidden Poker game: When you have the choice of 25M or Shuttle Simulation in the Holodeck, hold the trigger and press the right flipper button.
Secret Video mode: Press the following sequence: B, 1R, 2L, 1R, 4L, 1R, 8L, 2R.
When you have the choice of 25M or Shuttle Simulation in the Holodeck, hold the trigger and press the right flipper button. The Hidden Poker game should now be replaced with a Breakout game.
Hidden Image: Shoot the ball into the Advance Rank/Command Decision hole when nothing is lit, then pull the trigger.
The display now shows a Limo driving away from a wall which has a DOHO graffiti on it. You can also see this animation at the beginning of Multiball: Fire the first shot, miss the second and then hit both flippers. This might only work on games with software revision LX-7.
Press both flipper buttons when Data says: 'Had you had propelled the ball on the proper trajectory you would have been rewarded!' Picard will interrupt him with 'Thank you, Mr. Data!', and you are awarded 10 million points. This is only said when losing a "bad" ball.
STAFF Design & Direction: Steve Ritchie (SSR) Software & Design: Dwight Sullivan (XAQ) Mechanical Design: Carl Biagi (CAB) Art & Design: Greg Freres (ZAP) Music, Speech & Sounds: Dan Forden (DAN) Supporto software: Matt Coriale (MAT) Video FX: Scott Slomiany (Scott Matrix), Eugene Geer CAD Drafting: Rob Hurtado CAD Engineering: Butch Ortega Prototype Support: Mark Johnson
Thanks: Linda Deal, Bill Grupp
Ringraziamenti speciali: Patrick Stewart, Michael Dorn, Brent Spiner, Johnathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, John DeLancie, James Wolvington, William Wistrom, Michael Okuda, Michael Westmore, Dan Curry, Rob Legato, Guy Vardaman, Michael Westmore Jr., Rick Sternbach, Suzie Domnick, Patricia Lew, Rick Berman, Michael Puller, Wendy Nuess, Gene Roddenberry, Paramount Pictures, John Krutsch, Jerry Pinsler, Ted Estes (TED), Margaret Hudson, Sebastian Ortega, Tracey Nunnery, Karen Trybula, Liz Thompson, Jim Tansey, Elaine Johnson, John Tobias, Roger Sharpe, Wally Roder, Jose Delgado, Chris Ritchie, Rebecca Ellis, Christa Woss, Pat Lawlor, Larry DeMar (LED), Wally Smolucha, Jim Patla, Pat Riley, Anna Sullivan
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Star Trek: The Next Generation
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Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-5)
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