Saint Dragon is a horizontally-scrolling shoot-em-up in which the galaxy is under threat from a malevolent race of cyborgs. Half animal, half machine, the cyborgs have already conquered most of the galaxy and now have their sights set on the galaxy's last hope, 'The Planet of the Golden Dragon'. A lone mechanoid dragon, unhappy with the actions of his comrades, rebels and sets out to thwart their invasion.
The Dragon is initially armed with a plasma bolts and fiery breath but tokens - resembling bronze-coloured eggs - can be shot to release power-ups to upgrade the dragon's firepower, offering either pulse torpedoes, a laser, bouncing bombs, ring lasers or a turret.
Other tokens can upgrade the dragon's speed or initiate a hyper mode which temporarily gives the dragon maximum firepower and invulnerability. As well as the weapons, the dragon also has an armoured tail which follows the player's movement, allowing it to be used as a defensive shield.
The game consists of six stages, each culminating in a battle with a large end-of-level guardian.
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 2
CURIOSITÀ Saint Dragon è stato rilasciato nel Marzo 1989.
The Kanji in the title screen actually reads 'Tenseiryuu', which aptly defines the game's title pretty well.
Pony Canyon / Scitron hanno pubblicato un album della colonna sonora in edizione limitata di questo gioco il 21/09/1989 (Saint Dragon - PCCB-00003).
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI To make the 3rd level boss to show up, destroy the 6th big structure (the last one) that comes at the last part of the level. If you do not destroy it, the boss won't appear to fight you and you go straight to level 4.
STAFF Prodotto da NMK.
Musica composta da: Shizuyoshi Okamura (Sizzla), Tecchan
NEC PC-Engine (1990) " Tenseiryuu - Saint Dragon [Modello AC90001]"
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Saint Dragon
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Saint Dragon (bootleg)
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