CPU principale: Motorola M6809 (@ 2 MHz) CPU sonora: ADSP2105 (@ 10 MHz) Chip sonoro: DAC DMA-basato
CURIOSITÀ Scared Stiff è stato rilasciato nel Settembre 1996. Sono state prodotte 4.028 unità.
The animation for Meat Head shows a cow moo'ing.
There are 3 video tapes on the backglass: 'Corn Man from Mars' was Pat McMahan's name for the Martians that Doug Watson designed for Attack from Mars. 'Black Thursday' refers to the day everyone was laid off at WMS. 'Curse of the Zombie Cows'. Them cows again!
One of the deadheads, Bad Head, is playfield designer Steve Ritchie.
The cat in the backglass was drawn from a photo of designer Dennis Nordman's wife's cat, Chelsea.
In Attract mode, watch the list of Elvira's Favorite Stiffs. Sometimes DOHO is displayed as the oldest stiff at the bottom of the list.
AGGIORNAMENTI REVISION 1.0 Date: September 4, 1996
Initial release to production.
REVISION 1.1 Date: September 16, 1996
Added French and Spanish translations.
Saved by the Spell is now active during Multiball.
REVISION 1.2 Date: September 30, 1996
Fixed a display glitch in The Spell is Cast.
REVISION 1.3 Date: November 13, 1996
This revision updates the coffin to handle ball jams.
REVISION 1.4 Date: November 21, 1996
Replay level maximums have been fixed.
The JACKPOT lamp on the left ramp during hurry-ups has been fixed.
Fixed 'Favorite Stiffs' score display.
REVISION 1.5 Date: February 7, 1997
Improved Coffin Multiball display effect.
Eliminated problem at ball start that could cause resets.
Deadheads now award the correct value.
Fixed skill shot bug that denied points to players 2,3, and 4.
Coffin jam compensation improved.
Attract Mode Spider adjustment improved to allow operator-settable delays.
Fixed bad switch logic on Leaper targets.
Fixed broken spider logic.
Fixed lamps for a broken spider.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI During Attract mode, press one of the following sequences: B, 3L, 15R, 23L, 1R (that spells cow!) B, 13L, 15R, 15L, 1R. B, 13L, 1R, 2L, 1R. B, 3L, 10R, 19R, 1L. Please note that the L & R are reversable on all the codes to this game.
When Drac says 'Hurry, stop the spider!' the display usually shows a spider crawling up the web. But if instead the display shows the number 3 crawling up the web, then press the startbutton 3 times. This awards an extra Spider Spin.
Achieve a high score and enter the initials MOO.
With your machine set to the correct date, power up on any of these days for a birthday fanfare: Mike 3/16/65 (Mike Boon, software) Cameron 9/18/73 (Cameron Silver, software) Alan 2/22 Eydie 1/5 (Mike Boon's wife) Heather 5/14/96 Tania 12/5 Paul 11/11/57 (Paul Heitsch, sound/music) Lindsey 9/24/86 (artist Greg Freres' daughter) Lauren 8/30/89 (also Greg Freres' daughter) Also listed in the ROM but not functional - Damien 5/22.
Elvira and the Party Monsters (1989)
Scared Stiff (1996)
STAFF Designers: Dennis Nordman (DEN), Mark Weyna Artwork: Greg Freres Software: Mike Boon (MAB), Cameron Silver (CJS) Punti/Animazione: Adam Rhine (ASR), Brian Morris (BCM) Meccanismi: Win Schilling (WIN), Bob Brown, Joe Loveday Musica e suoni: Paul Heitsch (PH), Dave Zabriskie
Apple Store (Oct. 29, 2012) "The Pinball Arcade" Android (Oct. 29, 2012) "The Pinball Arcade"
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=5374&o=2
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Scared Stiff
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Scared Stiff (1.1)
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