On the Carnival Board, there are two ways to work towards the goal: knocking out the drop targets on the upper board, or hitting the button targets that light the word 'Rhythm' on the lower part of the main board.
On the Border Board, the 'INPUT' button targets in the center upper part of the board are the ones to hit to work your way towards your goal.
On the Monster Board, you must complete 7 different target areas, each one referring to a body part: 2 roll-throughs for arms, two holes for eyes, two sets of targets for legs and the top rollovers work towards the 'head'.
On the Sniper Board, you knock down the 'LOAD' drop targets, then shoot the Shot Bonus button target when lit. You do this 6 times to reach your goal.
As you go follow through on the game, the warp shots let you see how far you've gone in your quest to finish each board. The fewer clothes each girl has, the further you have gone on that board. Once the women are topless, you've done all you can on that board.
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato in Giappone nell'Aprile 1991.
AGGIORNAMENTI The US version is slightly different, it has the "Winners Don't Use Drugs" screen.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI If you see you're on your last ball and the warp light is on, shoot at that target. Warping between boards (or even back to the board you were on) starts you with another set of balls.
Pinball Action (1985)
Super Pinball Action (1991)
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=2739&o=2
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Super Pinball Action
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Super Pinball Action (Japan)
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