As a member of a special Search And Rescue unit. you (and an optional friend) are told to investigate an S.O.S. distress signal that was sent from a space station. what you don't know is that a group of vicious aliens have taken the colonists hostage. luckily for you, you're armed with a plasma pulse gun and four sets of grenades that are quite special (aside from the common grenade that explodes, some will freeze, incinerate, and even slice and dice the aliens).
DATI TECNICI Hardware Taito Z System Adesivi prom: C57
CPU principale: (2x) Motorola 68000 Chip sonori: Yamaha YM2610
CURIOSITÀ Space Gun è stato rilasciato nell'Ottobre 1990
Zuntata Records ha pubblicato un album della colonna sonora in edizione limitata di questo gioco il 1º Aprile 1999 (Zuntata History L'ab-normal 1st - ZTTL-0038).
A Space Gun unit appears in the 1994 French movie 'La Vengeance d'une Blonde'.
Using Bombs, each Bomb has a specific effect.
1) Fire: Aliens will burn. 2) Bomb: Aliens will explode. 3) Sword: Aliens will be cut. 4) Freeze: Aliens will be frozen.
Harder mode: If you stay at as low health as possible, the difficulty will be harder. And if you reach the time out, a powerful Alien will appear.
Good Ending: Your cockpit should not be destroyed in last stage.
STAFF Producers: Yuji Iwasaki, Atsuchi Taniguchi Software: Yuji Iwasaki, Shinji Soyano, T. Nakamura, Hikaru Taniguchi, Kazutomo Ishida, Takashi Ishii Sound (Zuntata): Norihiro Furukawa (Wiz Master AKD.), Naoto Yagishita Monster designers: T. Sekipon, H. Katochin, Atsuchi Taniguchi, V.A.P Designers: Hiroyasu Nagai, A. Nomura, V.A.P, Peacock Ingegneri meccanici: I. Yamada, Y. Tsuriya, T. Tsurumi Hardware: M. Yamaguchi, K. Mimura, Y. Shibuya Characters: T. Sekipon, H. Katochin, Atsuchi Taniguchi, H. Kuzirai, T. Matsumoto, Nobuhiro Hiramatsu, Yukiwo Ishikawa (Yukio Abe), V.A.P, Peacock
[EU] Sega Master System (1992) "Space Gun [Modello 9010]" [EU] Microsoft XBOX (14 ott. 2005) "Taito Legends" [EU] Sony PS2 (14 ott. 2005) "Taito Legends [Modello SLES-53438]" [US] Microsoft XBOX (25 ott. 2005) "Taito Legends" [US] Sony PS2 (25 ott. 2005) "Taito Legends [Modello SLUS-21122]" [KO] Sony PS2 (18 lug. 2006) "Taito Legends [Modello SLKA-15056]" [JP] Sony PS2 (25 gen. 2007) "Taito Memories II Joukan [Modello SLPM-66649]"
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