A scrolling, isometric racing game for one to three players featuring Sega's legendary mascot, 'Sonic the Hedgehog'. Sonic's nemesis, 'Dr. Robotnik', is once again intent on World domination and is preparing to launch his latest attack from his new island base, Eggman Island.
When 'Sonic', 'Ray', and 'Mighty' drop in to thwart his plans, Robotnik catches them with one of his devious machines. After finding themselves imprisoned in a tower, the trio break free onto the island, and proceed to make their escape and try to defeat Robotnik and his evil plans.
Sega Sonic's gameplay retains elements of the original console games, such as Sonic's ability to jump on the heads of enemies to kill them. The golden rings that Sonic collects are also included. Each level is littered with Dr Robotnik's devious traps; with lava flows, collapsible platforms, locked gates etc. all serving to hamper Sonic's progress.
DATI TECNICI Runs on the Sega "System 32" hardware.
Controllo per giocatore: trackball Pulsanti per giocatore: 1
CURIOSITÀ Anche se la schermata del titolo riporta '1992', Sonic Arcade è stato rilasciato in Giappone nel Settembre 1993.
Sonic Arcade marked the first appearance of the characters 'Ray' and 'Mighty'. Ray has not appeared in any sequels thus far, but in the Mega32X game, "Knuckles Chaotix, "'Mighty the Armadillo' appears as a selectable character along with another character called Knuckles.
The game had originally been rumored in a gaming outlet known as CVG to be ported to the Sega 32X. The game was actually meant to be re-released for the Sonic Gems Collection. However, the trackball controls were too difficult to emulate on a control stick at the time.
Sonic The Hedgehog [Modello G-4049] (1991, Mega Drive)
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 [Modello G-4088] (1992, Mega Drive)
Sonic the Hedgehog CD [Modello G-6021] (1993, Mega CD)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [Modello G-5531] (1994, Mega Drive)
Sonic & Knuckles [Modello G-4124] (1994, Mega Drive)
Chaotix [Modello GM-5003] (1995, 32X)
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 - Episode I (2010, WiiWare)
Sonic 4 The Hedgehog - Episode II (2012, Google Play)
Segasonic The Hedgehog (1992, Arcade)
Sonic 3D - Flickies' Island [Modello GS-9143] (1999, Saturn)
Sonic Adventure (1999, Dreamcast)
Sonic Adventure 2 (2001, Dreamcast)
Sonic Adventure 2 - Battle (2001, Gamecube)
Sonic Adventure DX - Director's Cut (2003, Gamecube)
Sonic Heroes (2004, Gamecube)
Sonic The Hedgehog (2006, PS3)
Sonic Unleashed (2008, PS3)
Sonic and the Secret Rings (2007, Wii)
Sonic Advance (2001, GBA)
Sonic Advance 2 (2002, GBA)
Sonic Advance 3 (2004, GBA)
Sonic Rush (2005, Nintendo DS)
Sonic Rush Adventure (2007, Nintendo DS)
Sonic N (2003, N-Gage)
STAFF Director: T. Tsuda Programma: Hideshi Kawatake (H.Kawatake), T. Hasegawa, Tetsuya Kawauchi (T.Kawauchi) Design: M. Kusunoki, K. Miyagi, M. Hoshino, S. Yamagata Sound: Hiroshi Miyauchi (H.Miyauchi), K. Hanada, N. Tokiwa Voice Actor: T. Kusao (Sonic), H. Kanamaru (Ray), Y. Numata (Mighty), M. Satoh (Eggman)
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=2376&o=2
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SegaSonic The Hedgehog
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SegaSonic The Hedgehog (Japan, prototype)
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