The sequel to "Street Fighter III - New Generation". Joining the existing Street Fighter III cast are Hugo, Urien and recurring character Akuma (Gouki in the Japanese version). Other improvements include a speed increase, new moves and several damage-related tweaks.
DATI TECNICI Capcom Play System III Hardware (CP-S III) CD Number: Cap-3GA000 CD Label: Cap-3GA-1
CPU principale: Hitachi SH2 (possibly 2) Storage: SCSI CD Rom, Ram and Flash Rom. RAM: SIMMs on the left w/ 16M of data each (each has 8x 16M Flash Roms, there's 4 SIMMs plugged in on this board). SIMMs on the right w/ 8M each (there's 4 Flash Roms on each board and there are 2 SIMMs plugged in) OSC: 60MHz. 42.9545MHz, XTAL 3.6864MHz.
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 6 → [1] LP (Jab), [2] MP (Short), [3] HP (Firece) → [4] LK (Strong), [5] MK (Forward), [6] HK (Roundhouse)
CURIOSITÀ Street Fighter III 2nd Impact è stato rilasciato il September 30, 1997.
The 'Giant Attack' subtitle refers to the 2 huge characters that are added to the Street Fighter III series with this game: Hugo and Urien.
This is the only CPS3 game to feature a widescreen mode.
The character Hugo is based on the late WWF Hall of Famer Andre The Giant. He also made an appearance in "Final Fight" as a non-boss enemy.
The character Urien is identical in figure and fighting style to the boss character, Gill, except that Urien has much less hair, and his skin is the same color on both sides.
Gill, the boss character, has added a new Super Art to his arsenal, 'Meteor Strike', which is the only one listed as available in the Vs. screen. However, he does still have access to his 'Resurrection' Super Art.
Firstsmile released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Street Fighter III - 2nd Impact: Giant Attack Original Soundtrack - FSCA-10025) on December 17, 1997.
AGGIORNAMENTI The Asian version has the "Voice Type" set to Off by default in the System Configuration. This causes some Japanese utterances from the characters to be replaced with grunts or silence. Set to Normal to restore the correct voices to the characters.
To enable the widescreen mode, do the following: Go to Test Menu->Configuration->Game. Then change Screen Mode to Wide and save your settings.
Hidden Character: To enable Gouki/Akuma as a playable character go to Test Menu->Configuration->Game. Then highlight in this order:
'Time Count Speed' and press Start x3 'Event' and press MK x2 'Screen Mode' and press HK x3 'Bonus Game' and press Start x1 'Damage Level' and press LK x4 If you hear Gouki's/Akuma's voice, the input was correct.
Second method to play as Gouki/Akuma: At the Character Select Screen, highlight Ryu and press Down, Down, Up -> move to Ken and press Up(x2), Down -> move to Ryu and press UP -> move to Ken and press Down -> move to Sean and press Down(x2), Up, Down, Up(x3). Gouki's/Akuma's portrait should appear above Sean.
Play Against Hidden Rival: Get at least five super arts finishes and cannot lose a round. If done correctly, "Your rival has
found you!" appear on the screen and fight his/her rival.
Play Against Gouki/Akuma: Get at least three perfect finishes without lose a round. If meet this condition, Gouki/Akuma will come up and Shun Goku Satsu on his/her final rival. Then you will fight Gouki/Akuma.
Play Against Shin Gouki/Shin Akuma: Defeat Gouki/Akuma with one super arts finishes and cannot lose a round. Also you cannot get three more via block damage. If done correctly, he will gets up and you will fight Shin Gouki/Shin Akuma. Defeat him and you will see the alternative ending.
Street Fighter (1987)
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior [B-Board 90629B] (1991)
Street Fighter IÌ - Champion Edition [B-Board 91634B-2] (1992)
Street Fighter IÌ - Hyper Fighting [B-Board 91635B-2] (1992)
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers [Scheda verde] (1993)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo [Scheda blu] (1994)
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams [Scheda blu] (1995)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 [Scheda blu] (1996)
Street Fighter III - New Generation (1997)
Street Fighter III - 2nd Impact: Giant Attack (1997)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 [Scheda blu] (1998)
Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike: Fight For The Future (1999)
Hyper Street Fighter II - The Anniversary Edition [Scheda verde] (2003)
Street Fighter IV (2008)
Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition (2010)
Ultra Street Fighter IV (2014)
Street Fighter V (2016)
Ultra Street Fighter II - The Final Challengers (2017, Switch)
STAFF Creatori personaggi: Who, D-Kurita, Chimorin Shogun, Shibaki, Chun, Jun Ikawa, Seiji Yano, Yuki Ishikawa, Shinnosuke N. Scroll Designers: Hiroshi Sugiyama, Yoko Fukumoto, Hiroyuki Imahori, Ojiji, Naobei, Akemi Kohama, Tama, Yamamoto Koji, Kouichi Takeda Original Art Works: Akira Yasuda (Akiman), Kinu Nishimura, NK Title Logo Designer: Shoei Instruction Designer: Sakomizu Programmers: Kazuhito Nakai, Nobuya Yoshizumi (LT1), Yuko Kawamura (Tate), Hiroshi Nakagawa (Raoh), Yosinobu Inada (Ine), Masahito Oh!Ya!, Akihiro Yokoyama Sound Effect Designers: Satoshi Ise, Hiroaki Kondo (X68K) Music Composers: Hideki Okugawa, Yuki Iwai Music Arrangement: Hideki Okugawa Planners: Seto Yasuhiro, Neo_G (H. Ishizawa), Numach
Ryu, Yun Lee, Hugo: Wataru Takagi Ken Masters, Yang Lee: Koji Tobe Sean Matsuda: Isshin Chiba Ibuki, Effie: Yuri Amano Elena: Kahoru Fujino Oro: Kan Tokumaru Urien: Yuji Ueda Akuma, Shin Akuma: Tomomichi Nishimura Alex, Necro: Michael X. Sommers Dudley, Gill, Announcer: Bruce Robertson
Message Translators: Erik Suzuki, Dan Okada, Chris Tang, Yumiko Nishi, Karla Oshiro de Freitas Producer: Tomoshi Sadamoto General Producers: Noritaka Funamizu, Yoshiki Okamoto
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Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack
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