This is the second SFII follow-up. Here's what's new:
Gameplay is SIGNIFICANTLY sped up to intensify the pace of the game.
More special moves (ie. Chun Li's fireball, Dhalsim's Yoga Teleport) are added for each character except for M. Bison.
New color schemes are added for each character (but the color schemes for the stage backgrounds are still the same as they were for Champion Edition).
The addition of mid-air special moves for Chun Li, Ryu and Ken are introduced.
Platform graphics (resembling the medal ceremonies in the Olympics) are added to each character's ending, featuring the character you completed the game with at the first-place platform, M. Bison at the second-place platform, and Sagat at the third-place platform. The musical setting for this display is the music from the home stage of the character standing on the 1st-place platform (If you completed the game with Sagat or M. Bison, the one you used stands on the 1st-place platform, the other one on the 2nd-place platform, and Vega occupies the 3rd-place platform).
DATI TECNICI Runs on the "CP System" hardware. B-Board #: 91634B-2
Giocatori: Fino a 2 contemporaneamente. Controllo per giocatore: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti per giocatore: 6 = > [1] LP (Jab), [2] MP (Strong), [3] HP (Fierce) = > [4] LK (Short), [5] MK (Forward), [6] HK (Roundhouse)
CURIOSITÀ Street Fighter IÌ Turbo - Hyper Fighting è stato rilasciato nelle sale giochi giapponesi nel Dicembre 1992. Era noto lì come il 24th video game made for this system.
Exported as "Street Fighter IÌ - Hyper Fighting [B-Board 91635B-2]".
This ROM upgrade to "Street Fighter IÌ - Champion Edition" was an idea by Capcom USA employee James Goddard in response to the rampant unauthorized hacks that arcade operators were installing in their SFIÌCE machine to make the game play faster, have mid-air special moves, change characters on-the-fly, and all sorts of other strange things. The hacks made the game interesting again to those who wanted something new in the game, but destroyed the balance of the game.
The 'Hyper Fighting' upgrade was an attempt to incorporate many of the ideas present in the hacks while maintaining game balance. The way those ideas were implemented were taken from "Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers", which was still being developed at the time and was planned to be the direct successor to SFIÌCE before all the unauthorized hacks forced this upgrade to be made. Ironically, this unforeseen upgrade is considered the best and most balanced game in the SFII series.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI Special Ending: finish the game on one quarter to see additional credit sequence.
Street Fighter (1987)
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior [CP-S No. 14] (1991)
Street Fighter IÌ - Champion Edition [CP-S No. 21] (1992)
CONVERSIONI Ecco un elenco delle conversioni rilasciate solo in Giappone. To see non-Japanese ports, please see the Export version entry; "Street Fighter IÌ - Hyper Fighting [B-Board 91635B-2]".
[JP] Nintendo Super Famicom (11 lug. 1993) "Street Fighter II Turbo - Hyper Fighting [Modello SHVC-TI]" [JP] Sega Mega Drive (Sep.28, 1993) "Street Fighter IÌ Plus - Champion Edition [Modello T-12033]" [JP] Sega Saturn (Dec.3, 1998) "Capcom Generation Dai 5 Shou Kakkutouka Tachi [Modello T-1236G]" [JP] Sony PlayStation (Dec.3, 1998) "Capcom Generation Dai 5 Shou Kakkutouka Tachi [Modello SLPS-01725]" [JP] Sony PS2 (Mar.2, 2006) "Capcom Classics Collection [Modello SLPM-66317]"
[JP] Sony PSP (Sep.7, 2006) "Capcom Classics Collection [Modello ULJM-05104]"
[JP] CPS Changer (1994)
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Street Fighter II' Turbo: Hyper Fighting
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Street Fighter II' Turbo: Hyper Fighting (Japan 921209)
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