Super Breakout allows the player(s) to select any one of three different action-packed Super Breakout games by turning the game select knob on the control panel to the desired game. The three available Super Breakout modes are the following:
Double Breakout: before serving the ball, the Double Breakout playfield contains 52 orange bricks (4x13) at the top of the screen and 52 green bricks (4x13) immediately below the orange brick wall.
Two paddles are displayed at the bottom end of the screen. When the Serve pushbutton is pressed, two balls are served. If the first ball served is missed, it counts as a missed serve and goes against the player's allotted serves per game. Otherwise the second ball is served. If the second ball served is missed after striking the first served ball, the player may continue with the first ball.
Cavity Breakout: before serving the ball, the Cavity Breakout playfield contains 44 orange bricks and 52 (4x13) green bricks located immediately below the orange brick wall. At approximately 3 columns in and 2 rows down into the orange brick wall, from both the left and the right side of the wall, two cavities appear. These two cavities occupy the space of 4 bricks (a 2x2 brick area).
One paddle is provided in this game, and only one ball is served, unlike in Double Breakout. When enough bricks are removed to release a captive ball from its cavity, the score doubles for each brick removed by any of the two balls in the playfield (as long as the served ball and the freed ball both remain active in the playfield). If the third ball is freed and all three balls are played in the playfield, the score triples. If any one of the balls is missed and lost, the score returns to double points. If the second ball is missed and only one ball remains in the playfield, points are then scored as normal.
Progressive Breakout: before serving the ball, the Progressive Breakout playfield contains 4x13 brick walls (one blue and the other green). The blue brick wall, which consists of 52 bricks, is at the top. Then occurs a space equivalent to this wall. In the middle of the screen is a green brick wall consisting of 52 bricks.
The brick walls move or 'scroll' toward the paddle at a rate determined by the number of hits on the ball. As the bricks are knocked out and the walls progressively creep up on the player's paddle, new bricks enter the playfield at a progressively faster rate. Four rows of bricks are always separated by four rows of blanks. As the brick walls scroll down, their colors change, indicating a new point score for that brick at that instant of time.
DATI TECNICI This title was most commonly available in an upright dedicated cabinet, although cocktail versions were also available. The machine featured a cartoon rendering of gameplay on both the side art and the marquee (done up mostly in yellow and brick red). The control panel was decorated with a few stripes and featured a single spinner control along with one button. The game was displayed on a black and white open frame monitor that had a color overlay installed to simulate color. This overlay made the different rows of bricks appear to be different colors.
ID gioco: 033442-033455
CPU principale: MOS Technology M6502 (@ 375 Khz) Chip sonori: DAC (@ 375 Khz)
CURIOSITÀ Super Breakout was released negli USA on September 21, 1978, venduto a un prezzo di listino di $1195. Sono state prodotte 4.805 unità.
Questo gioco è noto anche come "Super Knockout" (licensed to Subelectro).
Double Breakout Mode (the maximum score for this mode is 2,694):
Orange brick row 1: 7 points (1 ball in playfield), 14 points (2 balls in playfield). Orange brick row 2: 7 points (1 ball in playfield), 14 points (2 balls in playfield). Orange brick row 3: 5 points (1 ball in playfield), 10 points (2 balls in playfield). Orange brick row 4: 5 points (1 ball in playfield), 10 points (2 balls in playfield). Green brick row 1: 3 points (1 ball in playfield), 6 points (2 balls in playfield). Green brick row 2: 3 points (1 ball in playfield), 6 points (2 balls in playfield). Green brick row 3: 1 points (1 ball in playfield), 2 points (2 balls in playfield). Green brick row 4: 1 points (1 ball in playfield), 2 points (2 balls in playfield).
Cavity Breakout Mode (the maximum score for this mode is 3,384):
Orange brick row 1: 7 points (1 ball in playfield), 14 points (2 balls in playfield), 21 points (3 balls in playfield). Orange brick row 2: 7 points (1 ball in playfield), 14 points (2 balls in playfield), 21 points (3 balls in playfield). Orange brick row 3: 5 points (1 ball in playfield), 10 points (2 balls in playfield), 15 points (3 balls in playfield). Orange brick row 4: 5 points (1 ball in playfield), 10 points (2 balls in playfield), 15 points (3 balls in playfield). Green brick row 1: 3 points (1 ball in playfield), 6 points (2 balls in playfield), 9 points (3 balls in playfield). Green brick row 2: 3 points (1 ball in playfield), 6 points (2 balls in playfield), 9 points (3 balls in playfield). Green brick row 3: 1 points (1 ball in playfield), 2 points (2 balls in playfield), 3 points (3 balls in playfield). Green brick row 4: 1 points (1 ball in playfield), 2 points (2 balls in playfield), 3 points (3 balls in playfield).
Progressive Breakout Mode (the maximum score for this mode is infinite, however the score flips at 9,999 going back to 0):
Blue brick: 7 points. Orange brick: 5 points. Green brick: 3 points. Yellow brick: 1 point.
Ball Speed: Besides the slowest ball speed, right after the serve, there are three possible speed-ups. The first speed-up after the serve occurs on the 4th hit, and a second faster speed-up occurs on the 8th hit. The third occurs after the 12th hit and the fourth occurs when a highpoint (either a 5- or 7-point) brick is hit, regardless of previous speed. Ball speed is restored to slowest value at the beginning of each serve.
Ball Direction: When the ball intercepts the paddle it will rebound in any of four directions, depending on which portion of the paddle was hit (divide the paddle in four equal portions). This is still the case after the paddle has been reduced to half its normal size. Note that the ball is not allowed to move in a direction perpendicular to the front surface of the paddle or perpendicular to the edge of the paddle. These directions change with the number of hits of the balls. Just like the ball speed changes occur at the 4th, 8th and 12th ball hits.
Breakout (2000, Sony PlayStation, PC CD-ROM; 2001, Macintosh)
Breakout Boost (2011, App Store)
STAFF Progettato e programmato da: Ed Logg
[US] Atari 2600 (1978) "Super Breakout [Modello CX2608]" [US] Mattel Intellivision "Brickout!": release cancelled. [US] Atari 5200 (1982) "Super Breakout [Modello CX5203]" Atari XEGS [BR] DynaVision (198?) [EU] Sega Master System (1992) "Arcade Smash Hits [Modello MK-27032-50]" [US] Sony PlayStation (31 dic. 1996) "Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 1 [Modello SLUS-00339]" [EU] Sony PlayStation (dec.1997) "Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 1 [Modello SLES-00466]" [US] Nintendo SNES (aug.1997) "Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 1 [Modello SNS-AW7E-USA]" [EU] Nintendo SNES (26 feb. 1998) "Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 1 [Modello SNSP-AW7P-EUR]" [EU] Sega Saturn (1997) "Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 1 [Modello T-25413H-50]" [US] Sega Saturn (30 giu. 1997) "Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 1 [Modello T-9706H]" [US] Sony PlayStation (2001) "Atari Anniversary Edition Redux [Modello SLUS-01427]" [EU] Sony PlayStation (1º mar. 2002) "Atari Anniversary Edition Redux [Modello SLES-03808]" [US] Sega Dreamcast (2 lug. 2001) "Atari Anniversary Edition [Modello T-15130N]" [US] Microsoft XBOX (16 nov. 2004) "Atari Anthology [Modello 26084]" [US] Sony PS2 (22 nov. 2004) "Atari Anthology [Modello SLUS-21076]" [EU] Microsoft XBOX (26 nov. 2004) "Atari Anthology" [EU] Sony PS2 (18 feb. 2005) "Atari Anthology [Modello SLES-53061]" [JP] Microsoft XBOX (4 ago. 2005) "Atari Anthology [Modello B7X-00001]" [US] [EU] Microsoft XBOX One (1º nov. 2016) "Atari Flashback Classics Vol.2" [US] Sony PlayStation 4 (1º nov. 2016) "Atari Flashback Classics Vol.2"
[EU] Nintendo Game Boy (1996) "Arcade Classics - Battlezone & Super Breakout [Modello DMG-ABSE-EUR]" [US] Nintendo Game Boy (oct.1996) "Arcade Classics - Battlezone & Super Breakout [Modello DMG-ABSE-USA]" [US] Nintendo Game Boy Color (dec.1998) [US] Nintendo GBA (25 mar. 2002) "Atari Anniversary Advance [Modello AGB-AAVE-USA]" [EU] Nintendo GBA (14 feb. 2003) "Atari Anniversary Advance [Modello AGB-AAVP-EUR]" [US] Nintendo GBA (aug.15, 2005) "3 Games in One! Super Breakout - Millipede - Lunar Lander [Modello AGB-B62E-USA]" [EU] Nintendo GBA (sept.2, 2005) "3 Games in One! Super Breakout - Millipede - Lunar Lander [Modello AGB-B62P-EUR]" [US] Sony PSP (19 dic. 2007) "Atari Classics Evolved [Modello ULUS-10325]" [AU] Sony PSP (7 mar. 2008) "Atari Classics Evolved" [US] Nintendo DS (8 mar. 2011) "Atari Greatest Hits Vol.2 [Modello NTR-BR7E-USA]"
[US] Atari 400 (1979) "Super Breakout [Modello CXL-4006]" [US] BBC B (1982) "Breakout": by Acornsoft [EU] Atari ST (1987) [EU] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (1999) "Atari Arcade Hits 1" [US] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (13 lug. 1999) "Atari Arcade Hits 1" [US] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (9 lug. 2001) "Atari Anniversary Edition" [EU] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (14 dic. 2001) "Atari Anniversary Edition" [US] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2003) "Asteroids & Super Breakout" by SelectSoft [US] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (11 nov. 2003) "Atari - 80 Classic Games in One! [Modello 25069J]" [EU] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (10 giu. 2005) "Atari - 80 Classic Games in One! [Replay]" [US] Steam (24 mar. 2016) "Atari Vault [Modello 400020]"
[US] Telefoni cellulari (oct.30, 2004) [US] Nokia N-Gage (2005) "Atari Masterpieces Vol. I" [EU] Nokia N-Gage (13 ott. 2005) "Atari Masterpieces Vol. I" [US] Apple iPhone/iPod (11 ott. 2008) [Modello 291296852] Apple Store (2011) "Atari Greatest Hits" Android Market (2011) "Atari Greatest Hits" [US] Apple iPhone/iPod (18 feb. 2011) "Super Breakout Ultra [Modello 416010994]"
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Super Breakout
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