Year 1999, fall. The countless super minimum machine group 'nano-machine', which came flying, invaded the principal weapon and military terminals of each country from outer space and began multiplication. This weapon group which is automated with the 'nano-machines' repeated attack with non discrimination and the metropoles of each country were in a devastating state. A fear of the extensive nuclear warfare with the strategy nuclear missile error morphism hit the world!!! Barely the unit of each country which prevents the invasion of the 'nano- machine' is summoned because of the unmanned weapon eradication maneuvers. So, fighting with the weapons of the entire world was not enough. The Strikers start the attack on the enemy center! By the way of the time of half a century, new legend of special force STRIKERS now starts!
DATI TECNICI CPU principale: SH-2 (@ 28,63635 Mhz) Chip sonori: YMF278B (@ 28,63635 Mhz)
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 3
CURIOSITÀ Strikers 1999 è stato rilasciato in Giappone nell'Ottobre 1999.
Pubblicazioni per l'esportazione: Questo gioco è noto fuori dal Giappone come Strikers 1945 III.
Il gioco vieta le iniziali 'SEX' nella tabella dei punteggi record. Se ci provi, vengono sostituite in three smileys.
The Chaos Queen is the only boss in the game that is pure organic, unlike the others, which are robotics.
Scitron & Art ha pubblicato un album della colonna sonora in edizione limitata di questo gioco il 21/01/2000 (Strikers 1999 - SCDC-00004).
Maintenance Code: in test mode, enter this code...
8-1-6-5-0 Maintenance Mode 0-1-9-9-9 Secret Command Enabled (X-36 is available by pressing 'Up' on random box). 8-1-6-3-0 Secret Random Enabled (X-36 is available on Random Box with luck). 8-1-6-2-0 Secret All Disabled (X-36 is not available). 8-1-6-1-0 All Data Erased. 1-2-3-4-5 Reset Scores.
Technical Bonus: each boss, excluding the last one, has a weak point called 'the core' that is exposed outside for some few seconds. When the player airplane gets close to it at a fixed distance, it turns red. It is possible to defeat the boss quickly by attacking intensively the core at that point in time. The Technical Bonus is added if you destroy the core.
Super Shot: when an enemy plane is shot the energy accumulates in the level gauge. When there's enough energy accumulated in the level gauge the super shot can be discharged by pressing continously the shot button. While the super shot is discharging the energy of the level gauge keeps decreasing. When energy becomes 0 the super shot stops being able to shoot. In Strikers 1945 III a cancellation function was attached to the super shot so the energy at the level gauge can be preserved.
Strikers 1945 (1995)
Strikers 1945 II (1997)
Strikers 1945 Plus (1999)
Strikers 1999 (1999)
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Strikers 1945 III / Strikers 1999
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Strikers 1945 III (World) / Strikers 1999 (Japan)
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