[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rs_la5&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rs_la5]Red and Ted's Road Show (La-5) (romset rs_la5) on Arcade Database[/url]
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rs_la5'><img alt='' src='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rs_la5&type=ingame'><br/>Red and Ted's Road Show (La-5) (romset rs_la5) on Arcade Database</a>
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DATI TECNICI Williams WPC-Security Numero modello: 50024
CPU principale: Motorola M6809 (@ 2 Mhz) CPU sonora: ADSP2105 (@ 10 Mhz) Chip sonori: DAC DMA-basato
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nell'Ottobre 1994.
This game features the voice of country singer Carlene Carter as the voice of Red. Also, her song, 'Every Little Thing' is played during multiball, jackpot, and in the all-time initials screen.
This game was part of WMS' SuperPin series.
6,259 units were produced.
There are 2 cows in Red and Ted's Road Show. One is on the Picture Plate souvenir, and the other on the far right of the backglass, on top of the hill.
There are also 2 DOHÒs: Watch the barbed wire on the far right of the backglass. No. 2 appears in the background of the New York mode, in the windows of one of the buildings.
The High Score initials are sometimes replaced with 'TED' or 'RED'.
Sometimes the billboard at Bob's Bunker reads 'Frenzy? Bwa ha haa!'.
Ted is heard saying 'Officer Steve Speed!' during the Ohio mode where quotes from Getaway is used, a game designed by Steve Ritchie.
The red button is held by Pat Lawlor himself, sitting in a Corvette with the license-plate 'Game Biz'.
The 'Rubber Nose' souvenir resembles the face of Roger Sharpe.
AGGIORNAMENTI REVISION L-1 Date: October 7, 1994
Initial release to production.
REVISION L-2 Date: October 10, 1994
Fixed a serious bug in the exploding font effect. When jumpered for Germany, which causes periods to be exploded, some games would crash.
REVISION L-3 Date: October 12, 1994
Added the last of the German translations. This also fixes 2 phrases which were too long to fit on the screen in the Albuquerque effect.
Fixed a bug where sometimes the 'select a souvenir' computer noise was not getting killed.
REVISION L-4 Date: October 26, 1994
Fixed the adjustment STARTING DAY. If it was set to anything but MONDAY, it would score and make a sound at game start.
Fixed the Special award. It was awarding a special from either lane if either lamp was lit.
Changed default BALL SAVE TIME to ON.
Added 26 score levels to the spinner scoring so that it doesn't MAX as fast.
If LONGER PATH was set to OFF, there was a possibility of the first city being Atlanta. It has been fixed to allow only New York City or Miami.
Put in French translations.
Fixed up some effects.
Changed it so you can now go to MIAMI from the west coast.
Put SPAIN 2 and coin meter into Spanish preset.
Fixed a problem with Super Payday. It was sometimes fetching an incorrect award and displaying 'HOULTON 0,000,000'.
Fixed display and speech in Atlanta. If the player aborted the instructions and quickly made the blast zone shot, the display would behave incorrectly.
REVISION L-5 Date: December 15, 1994
Fixed a few French translations.
Changed Special and Replay % for France. Turned on Match for France.
With TOURNAMENT set to YES, the souvenirs are awarded in order instead of randomly.
Shut 'Red' up when the wheel isn't lit on a bridge-out.
Fixed the Spinner value. It was not ever being initialized, so that it would carry over from ball to ball and game to game.
Fixed a small display glitch in the Nashville award.
Fixed a TILT problem with Flying Rocks. It was possible to restart start Flying Rocks after a TILT.
Changed to only 1 replay level for Germany.
Accumulated bonus credit fractions are cleared at the end of ball, unless coins have been inserted recently.
After 9 minutes of idle time, any credit fractions less than 1/2 are cleared.
REVISION L-6 Date: October 11, 1995
Fixed XX bonus display.
Fixed display bug in New Orleans mode. It was displaying the incorrect score value for the next shot.
Fixed a bug in Super Payday where the wrong city and score was awarded. This bug only showed up on multi-player games.
Added adjustment for the shaker motor (default=NORMAL). Values are NORMAL, SOFT, and OFF
Added adjustment to allow buyins once a player has reached the West Coast (default=OFF).
Fixed blinking lamp in blast zone from 2x Atlanta blast. The lamp was being left on.
Fixed ALL TARGETS SCORE 16,xxx,xxx display bug in Super Payday introduction screen.
Added jackpot compensation for broken Red mouth switch.
Multiball restart timer is now paused while ball is in the lockup (e.g. for Extra Ball display effect).
Enhanced the handling of the proximity switches in front of Ted and Red. They are now better debounced in case they are intermittent.
Added special code to limit the amount of time the Red and Ted eyelids are activated to prevent the coils from overheating.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI Construction Mania: When you visit Bob's Souvenir Bunker and the display shows the bunker with the sign 'Uranium Ore $3 a Chunk' in the window, quickly hit both flippers twice. All targets are now worth 3M for 20 seconds.
Secret Video mode: Enter the High Score list (the daily High Score list will do as well) and press the following combination instead of your initials: B, 3R, 2L, 2R, 1L. This only works if the billboard at Bob's Bunker has displayed 'Hidden Video Mode: BRRRLLRRL' when visited. This isn´t really a Video mode but a cool thing nonetheless!
Fun Message: B, 8L, 1R, 5L, 1R, 5L, 1R, 6L, 2R (works in attract mode as well as during gameplay). This code is also used in "No Fear and ST: TNG", knowing this makes more sense to the message!
Achieve a high score and enter the initials 'TED'.
STAFF Concept, Design, & Playfield: Pat Lawlor (PML) Software, Design: Dwight Sullivan (XAQ) Special FX, Design: Ted Estes (TED) Suoni: Chris Granner (C G) Music: Chris Granner, Carlene Carter Dots by: Scott Slomiany, Eugene Geer, Adam Rhine (ASR) Mechanix by: John Krutsch (J K) Art: John Youssi
Voice of Red: Carlene Carter Voice of Ted: Tim Kitzrow
Ringraziamenti speciali a: Paul Barker, Chuck Bleich, Matt Booty, Bob Brown, Tom Cahill, Al Cardenas, Rachel Davies, Larry DeMar, Joe Dillon, Joanne Faux, Ken Fedesna, Fergie, Jesse Flowers, Greg Freres, Eugene Geer, Mickey Gonzalez, Michael Gottlieb, Jim Greene, Lou Isbitz, Joe Joos, Steve Kordek, Tal Lekberg, Bob Lentz, Greg McKay, Neil Nicastro, Tracey Nunnery, Butch Ortega, Jim Patla, Ernie Pellegrino, Kent Pemberton, Jerry Pinsler, Pete Piotrowski, Steve Ritchie, Wally Roeder, Lesley Ross, Lenore Sayers, Michael Sengelmann, Roger Sharpe, Adam Shire, Wally Smolucha, Bill Thompson, Liz Thompson, Karen Trybula, Steve Trybula, Lucy Varela, Darren Walker, Lisa Wilson, Christa Woss
Extra Ringraziamenti speciali a: Patricia Lawlor, Anna Sullivan, Lisa Estes
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=5287&o=2
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Red and Ted's Road Show
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Red and Ted's Road Show (La-5)
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