[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rmpgwt&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rmpgwt]Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.3) (romset rmpgwt) on Arcade Database[/url]
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rmpgwt'><img alt='' src='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=rmpgwt&type=ingame'><br/>Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.3) (romset rmpgwt) on Arcade Database</a>
A sequel to the 1986 original, Rampage World Tour once again has George, Lizzie, and Ralph bent on a trail of destruction. The 'World Tour' of the title refers to the fact that the action now takes place around the entire world, instead of just North America. Graphics are much improved and a kick button has been added to allow even more chaos.
Hidden bonus items have also been added to the game; two examples are an item that allows any player character to transport to almost any location in the game instantly. A second gives the players more destructive power. Some stages have a vat of toxic chemicals that can mutate any player character into a huge purple bat-like creature called V.E.R.N (Violently Enraged Radioactive Nemesis) for the duration of the stage.
DATI TECNICI Midway Wolf Unit hardware
CPU principale: TMS34010 (@ 6.25 Mhz) CPU sonora: ADSP2105 (@ 10 Mhz) Chip sonori: DMA-basato (@ 10 Mhz)
Giocatori: 3 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 3
CURIOSITÀ Rampage - World Tour è stato rilasciato nel Marzo 1997.
Rampage - World Tour was born during a meeting, (regarding another project), between Game Refuge Designers Brian Colin and Jeff Nauman and top Midway execs Ken Fedesna and the late, great, Joe Dillon. Marketing VP Joe Dillon made an off-hand comment: "What we really need is a game that appeals to everyone... adults as well as kids, girls as much as guys. My partner, Jeff Nauman, and I looked at each other and said, in unison, 'Then lets re-make RAMPAGE!'. Five minutes later we got the green light to make the game".
It was decided to remake the game using the latest Midway Wolf Unit hardware. All of the character animation was achieved through the use of the 3D spline-modelling tool Animation Master.
Rampage - World Tour was included as a bonus in "Rampage - Total Destruction" for the Nintendo GameCube, Sony PlayStation 2, and Nintendo Wii.
A sequel, "Rampage - Universal Tour" was cancelled as an arcade project.
Stages trivia: There are 130 regular racks/levels in RWT. Each rack is a unique city, and the passage of time is counted in Days (1 day = 1 city). In addition, there are 14 'Transcontinental Flights'; a bonus flying rack in which players chalk up special bonuses. There are are 4 'Grudge Match' racks that pit player against player for an enormous point bonus. The final levels are on the surface of the moon, against hordes of heavily armed Scumlab astronauts. There are 'hidden' racks as well, in such unlikely places as 'Hades' (complete with Demonic Minions) (...told you Scumlabs had underworld connections), 'Secret Government Area 69' (So that's where all those aliens keep coming from!) and the terrifying, mystical wasteland known only as 'Suburbia', to name a few.
In some stage you are attacked by ed-209 from "Robocop"!
There are several humorous touches in the game. Like sometimes if your character eats a person, he will spit him out shortly if that person didn't taste good.
Software version: 1.1.
Revision 2:
Software version: 1.3.
A Few Lesser-Known Items of Interest
1) Calculator: Grab a calculator before snagging a bonus power to multiply the effects of that power. 2) Scumlab Triangle: Punching this symbol instantly destroys all on-screen vehicles. 3) Rubber Duckie: Make the duck quack five times to call the jet bombers and evacuate the city earlier than usual. 4) Allergic Reactions: Eating certain foods may make you sneeze. Ralph is allergic to cats, Lizzie is allergic to birds, and George is allergic to dogs. 5) Backoff Bellow: Right after another player pops you in the face, pull down on your Joystick and press the Kick Button. You will Bellow at him and leave him dazed.
A Few Secret Codes: Secret codes must be entered when the name of the appropriate city is displayed. The effect lasts while the Creatures are in that city. A brief message will confirm if the code was entered correctly.
1) Fatty Foods: This code enables an individual Creature to digest fatty foods better. All people eaten by this Monster award 3X their normal health increase... GEORGE: (U + J,J,J) LIZZY: (U + P,P,P) RALPH: (U + K,K,K) When To Use: At the end of every Jumbo Jet Ride... prior to the start of every World Tour
2) Iron Guts: This code enables an individual Creature to avoid stomach upset. Bad Stuff, that would normally make one puke, now builds up a player's health... GEORGE (D + J,J,J) LIZZY (D + P,P,P) RALPH (D + K,K,K) When To Use: Each time you return to a US City after taking a World Tour.
3) Food-O-Rama: This code fills all buildings with Good Stuff to eat. Note that ALL of the buttons indicated below must be pushed, regardless of the number of players... GEORGE (J) LIZZY (P) RALPH (K) When To Use: Washington DC, Moab, Nashville and Kodiak... And every fourth city in a World Tour, as well...London, Kiev, Casablanca and Rio
4) Load Up: This code loads the city with every possible Special Power. Note that ALL of the buttons indicated below must be pushed, regardless of the number of players... GEORGE (J,J) LIZZY (P,P) RALPH (K,K) When To Use: Philadelphia, Carbondale, Santa Fe and Honolulu.
5) Secret Racks: This code sends the players to a rack, or level, that cannot be reached any other way. Note that ALL of the buttons indicated below must be pushed, regardless of the number of players. GEORGE (J,J,J) AND LIZZY (P,P,P) AND RALPH (K,K,K) When To Use: Enter the code in Atlanta and find yourself in the food rich world of SUBURBIA. Enter the code in Louisville, and find yourself in the SCUMLAB BIOWEAPON WAREHOUSE. Enter the code in chilly Fairbanks to discover the steamy secret of EUSTAS DEMONIC'S UNDERWORLD CONNECTION. Enter the code in Phoenix to learn what's hidden at secret Government AREA 69.
6) The Ten-City Jump (Rack Advance): This code lets the players jump ahead ten racks or so...making it much easier to reach the exciting finale on the surface of the moon! (...and YES, the rumors are true about what happens in the final moments of the arcade game...) Note that ALL of the buttons indicated below must be pushed, regardless of the number of players. GEORGE (J,P,K) LIZZY (P,K,J) RALPH (K,J,P) When To Use: Cleveland, Oklahoma City, Fargo and Reno.
You can make your character fly. Climb up a building and jump, now start tapping the punch button steadily, your character will start flapping his hands like bird-wings and will start sort-of gliding.
Rampage [No. 0E36] (1986, Arcade)
Rampage - World Tour (1997, Arcade)
Rampage 2 - Universal Tour (1999, Nintendo 64)
Rampage Through Time (2000, Sony PlayStation)
Rampage - Total Destruction (2006, GameCube/PS2/Wii)
STAFF Sviluppato da Game Refuge.
Programming group: Jeff Nauman, Blake Drolson, Joel Nauman, Kirk Nauman, Lynn Zeglin Animation group: Brian Colin, Jeff Croke, Rob Dollase, Aaron Hartline, Tom Kondol, Mark Sieka Sounds / Music: Dr. Dave Zabriskie, Vince Pontarelli, Mike Colin Concept and design: Brian Colin, Jeff Nauman Support from: Scott Parrish, Cary Mednick, Pat Cox, Mark Turmell, Sal Divita, Nik Ehrlich, Herman Sanchez, Darren Walker, Christa Woss, Pat Fitzgerald, Joan Faux, Andy Lycke, Art & Jim Tianis, Sheridan Oursler, Rosalind Dugas, Al Lasko, Steve Correl, Bill Soldwish, Leroy Brown, Tom Sedor, Bill Dabelstein, Doug Hurd, Mike Burgin, Sean, Jason, Decker
[EU] Sega Saturn (1997) "Rampage World Tour [Modello T-25416H-50]" [US] Sega Saturn (30 set. 1997) "Rampage World Tour [Modello T-9708H]" [US] Sony PlayStation (30 set. 1997) "Rampage - World Tour [Modello SLUS-00549]" [EU] Sony PlayStation (dec.1997) "Rampage - World Tour [Modello SLES-01011]" Nintendo 64 [US] (30 mar. 1998) "Rampage - World Tour [Modello NUS-NRPE-USA]" Nintendo 64 [EU] (giu. 1998) "Rampage - World Tour [Modello NUS-NRPP-EUR]" Sony PlayStation 2 [AU] (2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2" [US] Microsoft XBOX (11 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello MWO-3201W]" Nintendo GameCube [US] (11 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello DOL-GAYE-USA]" [US] Sony PS2 (11 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello SLUS-20997]" [EU] Microsoft XBOX (29 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2" [EU] Sony PS2 (29 ott. 2004) "Midway Arcade Treasures 2 [Modello SLES-52844]" Sony PlayStation 3 [PSN] [US] (17 mag. 2007) Sony PlayStation 3 [PSN] [EU] (june.22, 2007)
Nintendo Game Boy Color [EU] (1998) "Rampage - World Tour [Modello DMG-ARPP-EUR]" Nintendo Game Boy Color [US] (dec.1998) "Rampage - World Tour [Modello DMG-ARPE-USA]"
[US] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (1997) [US] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (17 feb. 2006) "Midway Arcade Treasures Deluxe Edition" [EU] PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (mar.17, 2006) "Midway Arcade Treasures Deluxe Edition" by Zoo Digital Publishing
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Rampage: World Tour (rev 1.3)
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