Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 6
CURIOSITÀ By 1995, Atari had begun production of Primal Rage's sequel, simply titled Primal Rage II. The game, however, was never released even though a test arcade cabinet briefly appeared playable at the Golf Land arcade in Sunnyvale, California. A dragon-like boss, which was rumored to be implemented in a future release of the original Primal Rage, was the main antagonist. Though the game never came to be, the story was later adapted into a novel called Primal Rage The Avatars.
The game was to feature new characters that took on the form of humans and were called the Avatars. Another prehistoric fighter which took the form of a Smilodon named Slash Fang (originally called Saber Tooth; he has been around as long as the other gods have, but he never fought for any land) was also planned to appear in the game as well. A boss monster known as Necrosan (what appears to be a living dragon skeleton) which was originally planned for the original game was promised to appear. The original characters were going to remain as well.
Much anticipation centered around the upcoming game. Unfortunately, it wasn't the same for the production. The game didn't get very far in production and Atari felt that the game wouldn't generate enough sales. They later announced the cancellation though not many people knew about it. After that, Primal Rage's popularity died down. A supposedly finished machine of this was shown at the California Extreme 2001 show. The machine had the original board and most of the original art.
Primal Rage (1994)
Primal Rage II (1996)
STAFF Sr. Engineering Tech.: Patrick Hubbell
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Primal Rage 2
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