CPU: Motorola Power PC XPC8240 @ 200-250MHz Graphics System: 3DFX 355-0024-020 (Equivalent to 3dfx Voodoo3/Avenger) Suoni: Yamaha YMZ280B ROMS: Flash Card based, some secured, and all controlled by an RTC Ram.
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nel Febbraio 2001.
SONG LIST: Kingdom of Rock Speedway Try Me Stay Remember Me I Wanna Dance Eurobeat Can't Stop Fallin' in Love Night of Fire Yesterday Like A Virgin One Night in Arabia Crazy For You Luv to Me (Disco Mix) Can't Stop Fallin' in Love (super euro version) Love Again Tonight Anniversary Energy Love Tora Tora Tora Boom Boom Fire Dynamite Rave Celebrate Nite Luv To Me (super euro version) Dynamite Rave (super euro version) Hold On Me Ale Japan Aishiatemasu Deluxe Romeo & Juliet My Sweet Banana Go Godzilla Go Station to Station Don't Stand So Close Mickey Mouse March (Eurobeat Version) Bandolero Comanchero Dancer Kiss Kiss Kiss (super euro version) Feeling of Love (super euro version) We Two Are One (super euro version) Money Go Velfarre 2000 Made of Fire O Sole Mio Play With the Numbers Jealousy Burning Desire You Can Light My Fire 100 Deltadance.com Deja Vu Take Me Now Popteen Sexy Sexy Sexy Mikado Easy Busy I Believe In You Jam Jam Jam Number One Broken My Heart (super euro version) Ultra High Heels (super euro version)
Access Hidden Menu options (Hi-Speed, Mirror, Hidden, Sudden, Random): press and hold at the song selection screen until the menu appears. Choose your options then click 'Exit' and pick your song.
Access another Expert option: on song selection screen, press quickly. You should hear a sound indicating that the code has been put in.
Play as Usao-Kun (Rabbit from "Keyboardmania"): during the song select screen, wave your hands over the sensors in this order: Up, Up-Right, Right, Up, Up-Left, Left. If done correctly, when you pick your song, you should see Usao-Kun on the screen rather than the normal girls.
Get a bonus 4th Stage song (Nonstop Modes only): get a 100 combo on during any song during any Nonstop mode and you will get a bonus 4th Stage random song.
Your combo can carry over to the next song to help reach the 100+ requisite.
How to pick your 4th Bonus Song: just bring up the Hidden Option menu on the song you want as your 4th Bonus song. Make sure that the songlist does not shift while bringing up the menu, or you will get the song it landed on instead.
ParaParaParadise (2000)
ParaParaParadise v1.1 (2000)
ParaParaParadise 1stMIXPlus (2000)
ParaParaParadise DX (2000)
ParaParaParadise 2ndMIX (2001)
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=3653&o=2
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ParaParaParadise 2nd Mix
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ParaParaParadise 2nd Mix (JAA)
Crea una nuova lista
Puoi creare una nuova lista personale, visibile solo a te, che consentirà di raggruppare, visualizzare o fare altre operazioni sui tuoi giochi preferiti.
Puoi creare una lista usando un file già presente. In questo caso indicalo qui sotto.
Importa da:
Trascina qui un file
Esporta su file
E' possibile esportare la lista dei giochi su file in modo da poter essere utilizzata da programmi esterni
Path giochi:
Path immagini:
Questa opzione aggiunge i bios e i device necessari per ottenere un set funzionante