Pipi & Bibis is a platform game for one or two players, in which the aim is to infiltrate buildings and plant time bombs at the computer terminals that litter the levels. The planting of the final bomb starts the detonation sequence, players must then quickly reach the level's exit before the bombs explode.
Each level is populated with enemy scientists and agents, and any contact with these will result in the loss of a life. To help combat this, players are armed with a 'stun gun' which will knock the enemy to the floor, allowing the player to pass. If an enemy is held in the stun gun's beam for several seconds, the enemy will fall to the platform below.
At the completion of each level, part of a cartoon picture of woman in a state of undress is shown. The entire picture is revealed once every four levels.
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 2
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nel Marzo 1992.
Concesso in licenza a Nova Apparate GMBH & Co. for Europe. Concesso in licenza a Romstar for USA.
Questo gioco è noto in Giappone come "Whoopee!!".
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI As players have such little time to escape once the detonation sequence has started, the final bomb planted should always be the one closest to the exit.
If an enemy is held in the stun gun's beam on either the bottom level or in an elevator, the enemy will fall out of the level and be killed.
Funzioni nascoste: Se il 'Dip switch Invulnerabilità' è abilitato, sei invulnerabile, ma puoi anche mettere in 'Pausa' il gioco con Start del P2 e riavviarlo con Start del P1.
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=1973&o=2
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Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!!
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Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (bootleg?)
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