A multi-screen platform game in which one or two players (either co-operatively or competitively) control a cute penguin fighting against the game's equally cute enemies. The idea is to destroy all of the on-screen enemies; once this a done, a circular key will appear; the player must pick the key up, whereupon they will be teleported to another screen which represents the second part of the stage. This screen has a silver doorway; the player must carry the key to the door - avoiding or destroying the on-screen enemies - to complete the level.
Playing as a loose cross between Taito's "Bubble Bobble" and Irem's "Bomber Man", each player's penguin is armed with bombs which are used to destroy the game's enemies, as well as obstructions - such as walls etc. - and barrels; the latter often revealing hidden bonuses that can be collected. Players must be careful to avoid blowing themselves and each other up when the bombs detonate.
Each level contains one or more 'rotating' platforms, allowing travel between upper and lower platforms. Players and enemies can stick to the underside of a rotating platform, then rotate it through 180 degrees to reach the platform above them. The opposite applies to reach a lower platform.
DATI TECNICI CPU principale: Motorola 68000 (@ 16.2652 Mhz) Chip sonori: X1-010 (@ 16.66 Mhz)
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 3
CURIOSITÀ Penguin Brothers è stato rilasciato nell'Ottobre 2000.
A Hack of this game are known as "Super Panda".
STAFF Producers: Masanori Kagawa (NSI), Seiji Kurokawa (ADD), Tadayuki Emori (EMS) Designer gioco: Ago System programmer: M. Shimazaki Game arranger: T. Senba Suoni: Reeb, Yamanaka (Calura) Graphic: Ago, Mika. S, T. Senba Game programmers: Ago, M. Shimazaki Story: T. Senba Management: T. Emori
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=1945&o=2
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Penguin Brothers
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Penguin Brothers (Japan)
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