Export version by Atari for North America. Gioco sviluppato in Giappone da Namco. For more information about the game itself, please see the original Namco version entry.
In this export version, gameplay begins with the opportunity for players to level select among one of three playfield worlds: Block Town, Pac-Man's Park or Sandbox Land. With Block Town being the easiest and Sandbox Land being the hardest, players are accordingly rewarded for selecting and completing the challenges in this mode.
CURIOSITÀ Pac-Mania è stato rilasciato in Nord America da Atari Games su licenza di Namco nel Dicembre 1987.
1.412 unità sono state prodotte da Atari. Il prezzo di vendita era di $1,995.
In this Atari 'Export' version:
The first Block Town only has one level, instead of two.
The first Pac-Man's Park, Sandbox Land, and Jungly Steps Worlds only have two levels each, instead of three.
Common has been renamed 'Funky'.
Grey Common has been renamed 'Spunky'.
The Top Ten Score List has been added and will let you write initials, before continuing.
The "Pac-Mania" Logo has Pac-Man, Pinky, and Blinky circling around the logo in the Atari version, whereas the Namco version does not.
A 'Stage Select' feature has been added.
Items are placed differently from the original Namco version.
Courage Bonus would activate once you got past Block Town.
There is a total of 19 levels in the game, instead of the Namco version's 23 levels.
CONVERSIONI NOTE: Only ports released in North America [US] are listed here. For ports released in other regions, please see the original Namco entry.
Nintendo NES (1991) by Tengen Sega Genesis (1991) by Tengen Sony PlayStation (1997) "Namco Museum Vol.5 [Modello SLUS-00417]" Sony PS2 (dec.4, 2001) "Namco Museum [Modello SLUS-20273]" Microsoft XBOX (oct.9, 2002) "Namco Museum" Nintendo GameCube (oct.9, 2002) "Namco Museum [Modello DOL-GNME-USA]" Sony PS2 (aug.30, 2005) "Namco Museum - 50th Anniversary [Modello SLUS-21164]" Microsoft XBOX (aug.30, 2005) "Namco Museum - 50th Anniversary [Modello NMO-2201A]" Nintendo GameCube (aug.30, 2005) "Namco Museum - 50th Anniversary [Modello DOL-G5NE-USA]" Nintendo Wii (oct.23, 2007) "Namco Museum Remix [Modello RVL-R2NE-USA]" Microsoft XBOX 360 (4 nov. 2008) "Namco Museum - Virtual Arcade [Modello 21022]" Nintendo Wii (16 nov. 2010) "Namco Museum Megamix"
Nintendo GBA (jul.12, 2001) "Pac-Man Collection [Modello AGB-APCE-USA]"
Tandy Color Computer 3 (1992) "PacDude Monster Maze" Telefoni cellulari (may.27, 2005) "Pac-Mania 3D" PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (oct.25, 2005) "Namco Museum - 50th Anniversary"
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Pac-Mania (Japan)
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