Operation Thunderbolt is a light-gun controlled shoot-em-up in which one or two players take on the role of Special Forces operatives. They must take on a terrorist group that has seized a US passenger plane which is threatening to execute all hostages if their demands to release terrorist prisoners are not met within 24 hours.
The plane landed in Africa and the hostages were removed and hidden at several different locations throughout the region. The CIA calls on Roy Adams, hero of the 'Operation Wolf' mission of the previous year, to find and rescue the American hostages. This time, Roy decides to take along a trusted comrade called Hardy Jones.
The game is a direct sequel to "Operation Wolf" and as with the first game, players are constantly attacked by waves of enemy soldiers and vehicles. Enemies can throw hand grenades and knives, as well as launch missiles at the players, while enemy vehicles can also shoot missiles, launch rockets and use rapid-fire machine guns. The players' ammunition and grenades are limited but can be topped-up by shooting barrels and crates.
While Operation Thunderbolt plays very similarly to it's prequel, scenes no longer simply scroll horizontally - every second of the game's eight stages feature 3D into-the-screen action.
DATI TECNICI Adesivi prom: B67
CPU principale: Motorola 68000 CPU sonora: Zilog Z80 Chip sonori: Yamaha YM2610
CURIOSITÀ Operation Thunderbolt è stato rilasciato in Giappone nel Dicembre 1988. It was then released in February 1989 in the US and in March 1989 in Europa.
The game's plot is loosely based on a real life incident known as 'Operation Entebbe' which consisted of the hijacking of Air France Flight 139 which took place in June 27, 1976 and ended on July 4, 1976. One year later, Menahem Golam directed a movie based on the incident called 'Mivtsa Yonatan'. Coincidentally the English title of the film is called 'Operation Thunderbolt'.
AGGIORNAMENTI Two different versions were released in US; the new one features some changed texts (during introduction).
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Operation Thunderbolt
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Operation Thunderbolt (US)
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