Get behind the wheel of the world's top high-performance cars, including the 450-horsepower Dodge Viper GTS, the nimble Lotus Elise, the BMW Z8 and the fastest production Corvette ever made, the Z06. With a mix of high-end American muscle and top European exotics, Need For Speed has cars that will appeal to all players.
With remarkable car detail and state-of-the art special effects, the graphics of Need For Speed are second to none. The sky is reflected in the surface of your car. Smoke pours from your tires when you punch it off the line. Leaves blow from trees as you rocket past. Of course, it's hard to notice these details when you're tearing down a mountain road at 160 with a Z8 2 inches from your right rear quarter panel.
Need For Speed features a player-selectable difficulty system that provides easier handling for beginning players and more challenging realistic driving physics for experienced drivers. The driving experience is further heightened with 6-speaker surround sound and force feedback steering. Need For Speed is linkable, allowing blistering head-to-head competition for up to 4 players.
DATI TECNICI Dimensioni cabinato: H 66'', W 33.5'', D 64''
Pentium 4 Processor Nvidia™ GeForce 4 Graphics Card 32 bit color SVGA Monitor 512 MB RAM 20 GB Hard Drive
CURIOSITÀ Need for Speed GT è stato rilasciato nel Settembre 2003.
The Need for Speed (1994, 3DO)
The Need for Speed - Special Edition (1996, PC MS-DOS)
Need for Speed II (1997, Sony PlayStation, PC MS-Windows)
Need for Speed II - Special Edition (1997, PC MS-Windows)
Need for Speed - V-Rally (1997, Sony PlayStation)
Need for Speed III - Hot Pursuit (1998, Sony PlayStation, PC MS-Windows)
Need for Speed - High Stakes (1999, Sony PlayStation, PC MS-Windows)
Need for Speed - V-Rally 2 (1999, Sony PlayStation, PC MS-Windows)
Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed (2000, Sony PlayStation, PC MS-Windows)
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2 (2002, Nintendo GameCube, Sony PlayStation 2, Microsoft Xbox)
Need for Speed (2003)
Need for Speed GT (2003)
Need for Speed Underground (2003, Nintendo GameCube, Sony PlayStation 2, Microsoft Xbox)
Need for Speed Underground 2 (2004, Nintendo GameCube, Sony PlayStation 2, Microsoft Xbox)
Need for Speed Underground (2005)
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (2005, Nintendo GameCube, Sony PlayStation 2, Microsoft Xbox)
Need for Speed Underground - Rivals (2005, Sony PSP)
Need for Speed Carbon - Own the City (2006, Sony PSP)
Need For Speed Carbon (2008)
STAFF Producer: John Ray
CONVERSIONI This game is already port of the PC game "Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2". here is a list of others ports.
Microsoft XBOX (2003, "Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2") Nintendo GameCube (2003, "Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2") Sony PlayStation 2 (2003, "Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2")
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Need for Speed GT
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Need for Speed GT (Hard Drive+2 Discs) (v1.1.0 Rev C)
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