Awesome collection of classic Namco games ("Galaga", "Xevious" and "Mappy") with original and updated 'arrangement' versions available. Additionally "Super Xevious" is available as well.
DATI TECNICI Namco System ND-1 hardware ID gioco: NC
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 2
CURIOSITÀ Namco Classics Collection Vol.1 è stato rilasciato nel Novembre 1995.
Messaggio segreto in Xevious: The programmer has included a trick for generating a message right at the beginning of the game. When Solvalou appears, move to the right edge of the screen, wait a few seconds and drop a single bomb as soon as the music changes (after the long note).
The arrangement version uses a different music, you need to drop a single bomb when you hear the 12th beat, or when the first set of ring-shaped spaceships has reached the same height of your crosshair. In original version / normal mode, the message 'Namco ORIGINAL Programma di EVEZOÒ will appear on the screen. In original version / super mode, the message is 'Special thanks for you by game designer Evezoo'. In arrangement version, the message is 'This game is dedicated to the original XEVIOUS staff'.
Xevious Arrangement, Extra Area:
Extra Area 1 - Finish Area 16 without continue. Extra Area 2 - Finish Extra Area 1 without death. Extra Area 3 - Get 60 Sols.
Xevious Arrangement, Maniac Mode: You will play with harder rank.
1. Get secret message in Area 1 forest. (Keep firing the Blaster at left end)
Take out 2 Sols in Area 1.
Get ''Secret Message'' in forest (see the first trick to perform it).
Galaga Arrangement, Time Attack Mode: Input code Left, Right, Left, Right, Button1, Button2, Button1, Button 2 on the Galaga Arrangement title screen.
Namco Classics Collection Vol.1 (1995)
Namco Classics Collection Vol.2 (1996)
STAFF Game arrangement: Kohji Kenjoh, Taka Yamamura, T. Iguchi Game programmers: Yoshihito Iwanaga, Takashi Koshigoe System programmer: Tsukka Visual designers: Semushi Komoriya, Fukuokachanpe-, Imaizumi Bakarashi Grafico: Akira Usukura Logo designer: Hideaki Ito Suoni: Hiroto Sasaki (Saman) Hardware ND-1 development: Shin' Ichi ' Yosiho' Ohki Custom 'Risa' designer: Makoto Inoue Sound driver development: Hira
[JP] Sony PlayStation (mar.28, 1997) "Xevious 3D/G+ [Modello SLPS-00750]": Xevious Arrangement [US] Sony PlayStation (30 giu. 1997) "Xevious 3D/G+ [Modello SLUS-00461]": Xevious Arrangement [EU] Sony PlayStation (aug.1997) "Xevious 3D/G+ [Modello SCES-00736]": Xevious Arrangement [US] Sony PS2 (dec.4, 2001) "Namco Museum [Modello SLUS-20273]": Galaga Arrangement [US] Microsoft XBOX (oct.9, 2002) "Namco Museum": Galaga Arrangement [US] Nintendo GameCube (oct.9, 2002) "Namco Museum [Modello DOL-GNME-USA]": Galaga Arrangement
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Namco Classic Collection Vol.1
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Namco Classic Collection Vol.1
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