A research installation developing the next-generation of Metal Slugs is attacked by unknown forces and a disk containing Metal Slug secrets is stolen. Ordered to recover the disk, Marco and Tarma follow in hot pursuit. Meanwhile, Eri and Fio, investigating the Ptolemaic Army, a paramilitary syndicate active in archeological excavation, catch up with them at an ancient ruin, 'The Corridor of Fire'. The two try to storm and seize the site but are repulsed by the natives and giant Metal Slugs. This incident proves it was the Ptolemaic Army that stole the Metal Slug secrets. The military subsequently launches a second raid by the elite PF squad and Sparrows on the 'The Corridor of Fire' to recover the secrets and destroy the syndicate!!!
DATI TECNICI Gira sull'hardware SNK "Neo-Geo MVS". ID gioco: NGM-268
Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 8 direzioni Pulsanti: 4 → Character > [A] Sparo, [B] Salto, [C] Grenade → Metal Slug > [A] Gun Attack, [B] Salto Board Vehicle, [C] Artillery Attack, [D] Metal Slug Attack
CURIOSITÀ Metal Slug 5 è stato rilasciato nel Novembre 2003.
This new episode introduces a new 'slide' move to the legendary series (actioned holding down the B button). Players can also make a sliding shot by pushing the A button while sliding.
Noise Factory released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Metal Slug 5 Original Sound Track) on 12/03/2004.
A hack of this game is known as "Metal Slug 5 Plus".
Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 [Modello NGM-201] (1996, MVS)
Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II [Modello NGM-241] (1998, MVS)
Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 [Modello NGM-250] (1999, MVS)
Metal Slug - 1st Mission [Modello NEOP00210] (1999, NGPC)
Metal Slug - 2nd Mission [Modello NEOP00610] (2000, NGPC)
Metal Slug 3 [Modello NGM-256] (2000, MVS)
Metal Slug 4 [Modello NGM-263] (2002, MVS)
Metal Slug 5 [Modello NGM-268] (2003, MVS)
Metal Slug 6 (2006, MVS)
Metal Slug 3D (2006, PS2)
Metal Slug 7 (2008, NDS)
STAFF Producer: Moon Directors: Moon, Heehaw Sub directors: Undo, T. Hagihara Programmatore principale: Undo Sub programmers: Ick, Work Ram, Oidon Creatori personaggi: Rinkn, Eglavr, Shio Shio Shio, Akr+Amk, Genies Kubota, Jyagadansyaku, Toad, Yuka Background designers: Miyuki. O, Miyavi, Reiko Nagasima (as Reiko. N), Sayuri M, Misao Yoshida, Kenta Sound produced by: Studio Aqua Title designer: Naohisa Yamaguti
[JP] SNK Neo-Geo AES (Feb. 17, 2004) "Metal Slug 5 [Modello NGH-268]" [JP] Sony PS2 (Apr. 28, 2005) "Metal Slug 5 [Modello SLPS-25495]" [JP] Microsoft XBOX (jul.28, 2005) "Metal Slug 5 [Modello B3K-00001]" [JP] Sony PS2 (Mar. 09, 2006) "Metal Slug 5 [SNK Best Collection] [Modello SLPS-25634]" [JP] Sony PSP (Feb. 22, 2007) "Metal Slug Complete [Modello ULJS-00090]" [JP] Sony PS2 (31 mag. 2007) "Metal Slug Complete [Modello SLPS-25762]" [JP] Nintendo Wii (Dec. 27, 2007) "Metal Slug Complete [Modello RVL-RMLJ-JPN]" [JP] Sony PS2 (18 giu. 2009) "Metal Slug Complete [SNK Best Collection] [Modello SLPS-25937]" [JP] Sony PSP (18 giu. 2009) "Metal Slug Complete [SNK Best Collection] [Modello ULJS-00206]"
PC [MS Windows, DVD-ROM] (2009) "Metal Slug Collection PC"
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Metal Slug 5
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