The popular series of side-scrolling action games continues, introducing all-new characters into the plot. The world is now trembling under the fear of cyber terror, as the birth of a deadly new computer virus threatens to snatch the main military system out of every country. The virus has been created by the terrorist group known as Amadeus, and must be stopped by the four main heroes in the story. They are: Marco Rossi, an army platoon leader; Fio Germi, a superior director of an Italian secret service; Nadia Cassel, a French regular army soldier; and Trevor Spacey, a regular army sergeant. In the game introduction, the team discover that Morden is still alive and probably behind Amadeus...
DATI TECNICI Gira sull'hardware SNK "Neo-Geo MVS". ID gioco: NGM-263
CURIOSITÀ Metal Slug 4 è stato rilasciato nel Marzo 2002. Sviluppato da Mega Enterprise, a South Korean company.
Mega Enterprise got Copyright of SNK's games for South Korea in 1999. In 2006, the South Korean police had an claim for arrest warrant against Lee Sang Min, president of Mega Enterprise. Lee Sang Min escaped in China, abandoning its company (only a few people occupying the office). Mega Enterprise went out of business soon after.
A hack of this game is known as "Metal Slug 4 Plus".
Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 [Modello NGM-201] (1996, MVS)
Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II [Modello NGM-241] (1998, MVS)
Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 [Modello NGM-250] (1999, MVS)
Metal Slug - 1st Mission [Modello NEOP00210] (1999, NGPC)
Metal Slug - 2nd Mission [Modello NEOP00610] (2000, NGPC)
Metal Slug 3 [Modello NGM-256] (2000, MVS)
Metal Slug 4 [Modello NGM-263] (2002, MVS)
Metal Slug 5 [Modello NGM-268] (2003, MVS)
Metal Slug 6 (2006, MVS)
Metal Slug 3D (2006, PS2)
Metal Slug 7 (2008, NDS)
STAFF Hyper Organizer: Sang Min Lee
Mega Entreprise:
Producer: Hong Ick Cho Creatore personaggi: Joo Hwan Sohn Background Designer: Yong Hee Lee
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Metal Slug 4
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Metal Slug 4 (NGM-2630)
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