Basically this game is "Pac-Man", with a few minor differences. The major difference is that the ghosts have fewer restrictions on their movement, making them more formidable. Also adding to the challenge are the different mazes and the fact that the fruit no longer stays in one place, but moves in, out and around the maze. Fortunately there is a power pellet in each corner that (usually) turns the ghosts blue for a period of time, allowing you to eat them for points.
Ms. Pac-Man Championship Edition has a timer added which gives you one minute to finish the maze with your Character. As the timer works through the last five seconds Ms. Pac-man slows down considerably.
DATI TECNICI CPU principale: Zilog Z80 (@ 3,072 Mhz) Chip sonori: WSG a 3 canali Namco (@ 96 Khz)
CURIOSITÀ Ms. Pac-Man Championship Edition seems to be a straight copy of "Ms. Pac-Attack".
While the Ms. Pac-Man hacks are creative with the mazes, they have trouble dealing with other aspects of play. One problem the Ms. Pac-Man hacks have is that the fruit walks along the routes of the original mazes, making the fruit unreachable during part of its walk to and from the center. Also, the ghosts slow down at odd places during the first three racks. Such slowing down only makes sense by looking at the original mazes and seeing where the tunnels would be.
Unlike the Pac-Man hacks, the Ms. Pac-Man hacks don't mess with the scores you get from eating dots, fruit and ghosts.
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Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Zola-Puc Gal
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Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Zola-Puc Gal
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