MONSTER BASH is a fascinating cartoon theme game featuring colorful graphics in three exciting scenes of hunt-and-hide adventure. Light-hearted, suspenseful music and audio sounds add to the fun, and heighten player interest and intrigue.
DRACULÀS HOUSE The player-hero of the game is LITTLE RED, a wily, red-headed boy who chases Dracula throughout his five-story haunted house. Up and down staircases and through Warp Doors leading to secret passageways, Little Red zaps defending bats while attempting to light candles in certain rooms. When a candle is lit a Magic Sword is energized with mystical powers. Little Red must touch the flashing Magic Sword to gain SuperZap power... only a SuperZap will defeat the sly Dracula.
FRANKENSTEIN'S CASTLE Little Red enters the eerie castle of the hulking Frankenstein. He pursues Frankenstein around his six-story castle while avoiding the fierce Wolfmen. The tricky Wolfmen can be zapped, but be careful, they can duck under the zap and attack Little Red. Fewer candles are now available to be lit. Warp doors to secret passageways can be used only when they flash. Special jump-down zones allow Little Red to jump down several levels at once, eliminating any Wolfmen in the way as he descends, but Frankenstein can only be defeated with a SuperZap.
CHAMELEON MAN'S GRAVEYARD The greatest challenge yet... to dispatch the sneaky Chameleon Man and his horde of Spiders. Entering the spooky graveyard, Little Red finds that only one candle is available for lighting which is found in a crypt guarded by giant Spiders. Chameleon Man changes his color to match that of the background and thus becomes invisible. Little Red must pass over one of the Color-Change Spots to change the background color making Chameleon Man visible again. Chameleon Man can do away with Little Red with a flick of his long tongue. Chameleon Man can only be done in with a SuperZap.
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Monster Bash
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Monster Bash
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