Based on the classic board game by Parker Brothers.
DATI TECNICI Stern Whitestar
CPU principale: Motorola M6809 (@ 2 MHz) CPU sonora: Motorola M6809 (@ 2 MHz) CPU display: Motorola M6809 (@ 4 MHz) Chip sonoro: BSMT2000 (@ 24 MHz)
CURIOSITÀ Prodotto da Pat Lawlor Design per Stern Pinball. Monopoly Own it All è stato rilasciato nel Settembre 2001.
AGGIORNAMENTI Software Release: 1.10 Date: September 12, 2001
Production release
Software Release: 2.03 Date: September 17, 2001
New default replay %, match %, starting replay level
replay bug fixed that cleared audit when viewing replay adjustment
added flipper motor speed adjustment based upon country
fixed Land Grab variable/flag that wasn't cleared at game start
added phone support
removed some accents in diagnostics, shortened some text to fit on screen
Software Release: 2.20 Date: October 2, 2001
Choreogropy of lightshows, f/x
Chance bug fixed that correctly returns balls back into play
Land Grag bug fixed that caused the flippers to temp. lock up
Fixed bug in railroad multiball when started from Chance
other minor tweaks
diagnostic mini-menu bugs in Dr. Pinball corrected
Display Release: 2.03
fixed team scoring display in attract
took token out of high score table (it will be back).
Display Release: 2.05 Date: October 18, 2001
Added Spanish text.
Fixed text in german coil list
Custom pricing bug fixed that wouldn't show custom pricing adjustments
Land Grab Bonus added
Display Release: 2.06 Date: October 19, 2001
added correct release version
Software Release: 2.33 Date: October 11, 2001
Improved waterworks flipper action
Fixed dice eject kickout handling
Fixed crash when player hits three of-a-kind in Free Money mode
Fixed team player scoring in attract
Improved tilt handling
Fixed crash when difficulty set to HARD
Added community chest rule
Special awards 500K points now
Added selftest at powerup for lockup and dice eject
Restored missing Special lamp in land grab
Adjusted cash grab scoring to be more in line with game scoring
Improved tournament rules
CPU Release: 2.40 Date: October 25, 2001
Fixed coin switch debouncing to prevent coins from being missed.
Custom message now also shows up on Electric Company sign.
Fixed Free Parking multiball jackpot to score correctly
Fixed dice roll display on LEDs to match display.
Fixed player carryover problems with Land Grab Bonus
Fixed plunger to kick ball away at multiball start.
Fixed property count for post-Land Grab play
Fixed "award all players" card scoring in Chance.
Changed Land Grab to move player to next unfilled property instead of just the next property when the right ramp is made.
Fixed bug in A-B-C carryover between players
Fixed rare crash in dice roll eject lane.
Improved waterworks flipper compensation code
Improved ball search to prevent ball from getting stuck behind bank door at the start of a ball.
CPU Release: 2.41 Date: October 29, 2001
Fixed gaff problem in left outlane
Entering initials show on LED also
CPU Release: 2.50 Date: November 8, 2001
New dispatch edge routines should help do a better job of knowing which edge they are really on and help fix the missing coin problem.
Stopped ball lock and dice eject fail messages if the door is open. The device is probably working, just powered off!
Fixed tilt handlers to correctly handle tilts when bonus is underway. Music would improperly update and tilt would hang forever if a ball was in the lock.
CPU Release: 2.51 Date: November 13, 2001
Fixed Tilt handling in Land Grab
Fixed Breakout and Ripoff Multiball score displays.
Improved broken dice eject and lockup detection and handling.
Fixed hotel display in Land Grab
Improved speech during Match
Improved ball search to jiggle Cop target
Fixed interaction between Chance and the quick multiballs.
CPU Release: 3.01 Display Release: 3.01 Date: January 29, 2002
Fixed coinage tables for Euro coinage
Player can choose a token in high score to date (HSTD) entry
Fixed A-B-C inlane lamps and award effects
Fixed bug where waterworks flipper would sometimes freeze
Fixed chance to only light one special on Advance to Boardwalk
Added quick ball saver when waterworks throws the ball out the left outlane
Restored missing BALL SAVED messages and speech
Fixed ball search at game over to disable flipper buttons
Changed broken coil messages to be consistant with manual
Added some speech to token race
Fixed extra ball show when replay is set to EB
Improved coil drivers for bank to prevent coil and fuse F21 from overheating
Fixed credit handlers to be friendly to a $5 bill acceptor.
Fixed bug where installing Home installed tournament settings.
Fixed stray lamp glitch on ROLL AND COLLECT lamp
Fixed some glitches in HSTD entry sounds
CPU Release: 3.02
Changed waterworks driver to always run the motor in a counter-clockwise direction. This should help games that can't lift the ball out of the hole when the flipper rotates clockwise.
Game will detect a blown F21 fuse correctly and display an operator warning
Fixed HSTD resets to show proper tokens on 10-letter HSTD initials
Fixed Land Grab bug where specials were awarding on the outlanes and rotating on the slingshots during the collection and total phase.
CPU Release: 3.03 Date: June 18, 2002
Slight fix to switch scanning on bill validators to handle switches correctly when balls are missing from the game.
STAFF Designer: Pat Lawlor (PML) Artwork: John Youssi Software: Louis Koziarz (KOZ), Greg Dunlap DMD Animation: Kurt Andersen Meccanismi: John Krutsch (JRK) Musica e suoni: Chris Granner (Incredible Technologies)
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Monopoly (coin dropper, CPU 4.01, display 4.00)
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