Giocatori: 2 Controllo: Joystick a 4 direzioni Pulsanti: 2
CURIOSITÀ Shinnyuushain Tooru-Kun è stato rilasciato nell'Ottobre 1984. Il titolo di questo gioco si traduce dal giapponese come 'New Employee Tooru-kun'. È noto fuori dal Giappone come "Mikie".
The classroom level plays the song 'A Hard Day's Night' by The Beatles. The Gym Level plays 'Twist and Shout', the Medley/Russell song made famous by the Fab Four.
PUNTEGGIO Collecting a heart: 200 points Collecting a flashing heart: 1000 points
Hitting an enemy with an object (basketball or roast): 400 points Being hit by a dancer: 100 points Bumping a student out of their desk (back row): 400 points Bumping a student out of their desk (middle row): 600 points Bumping a student out of their desk (front row): 800 points Stunning an enemy horizontally: 400 points Stunning an enemy vertically: 800 points Stunning two enemies horizontally: 2000 points Stunning two enemies vertically: 3000 points Stunning three enemies: 5000 points
Smacking an enemy with the door: 600 points Picking up a lunchbox: 1000 points Picking up the hamburger: 1000 points Picking up the Coke: 1000 points Finding the scantily - clad woman in the closet: 5000 points
Entering the Hallway after finishing any Room: 2000 points Perfect Room Completion bonus: 5000 points
(Skill Bonus for Locker and Restaurant Rooms - awarded upon exiting the respective room) Do not throw any objects: 5000 points Throw one object: 3000 points Throw two objects: 2000 points Throw three to four objects: 1000 points Throw five to eight objects: 200 points Throw all nine objects: No Bonus
Test mode: hold START1+START2 during boot. Then press START1 to cycle through the different tests.
Secret message: In game instruction scene between title screen and demonstration play, input the following code when player character sits on a chair: hold 1P Up + 2P Down then press 1P Start 4 times. "THIS SOFTWARE IS AN ORIGINAL PRODUCT OF KONAMI" should appears.
You can exit out either of the two Room doors when a room is complete (you can also come back in if need be), but only one door (the one that flashes out) will allow you to continue down towards the garden (the other is where you came in). Still, useful if you're panicking and need a quick exit.
You can bump the non-heart guarding students out of their desk for points inside the Classroom, but you're only given the points once and this only matters for Step 1 anyways.
You can headbutt the teacher in the classroom for extra points many, many times, if your timing is good. (Read: Leech)
Headbutting an enemy vertically in the hallway is extremely difficult, and should only be attempted as a last resort. There just isn't enough room.
Stun an enemy in the hallway in front of a door, and then smack him with the door for an easy extra 600 points.
When enemies are moving a little too fast to be comfortable headbutting them, make sure to get them on the horizontal and not the vertical, as it's easier to time your strike.
If you die after entering a room for the first time (or re-enter a room), the classroom teacher will only delay for about 1 second instead of 3 seconds before entering the room. Be forewarned. You may want to turn around right away and headbutt him as he stands in the doorway.
The red bucket in the hallway can only hit you on the same horizontal line. Move either up or down (as necessary) to dodge it.
Controlling and grouping enemies for points is possible on the Garden, but is not easy and cannot be done for very long before they become too fast. Still, it has the most open space of any of the Rooms.
[JP] Sega SG-1000 (1985) Sega Master System [JP] (1985) "Shinnyushain Tooru Kun"
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Shinnyuushain Tooru-kun
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Shinnyuushain Tooru-kun
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