DATI TECNICI Williams WPC-95 Numero modello: 50065
CPU principale: Motorola M6809 (@ 2 MHz) CPU sonora: ADSP2105 (@ 10 MHz) Chip sonoro: DAC DMA-basato
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nell'Agosto 1998. 3,361 units were produced.
In the game there is a 'Cow palace' venue.
In the Mosh Pit Multiball animation you can see a cow skeleton on the left side of the screen.
A DOHO is seen in the graveyard when Igor finds a part for the monsters body.
Elvira and Wonder Woman can be seen on the backglass.
AGGIORNAMENTI Version 1.0 (Changes since prototype 0.5) Date: August 16, 1998
Added the instrument bonus rule.
Monster bash and monsters of rock scoring changed.
Fixed a bug with the setup for the concert halls for each player. In multi-player games, only the player who played last would have the concert halls that they had earned. All other players would have no halls. This has been corrected.
Last chance rule added for Frankenstein (when Frank multiball ends and the player has not collected the keyboard).
Flipper speedup now available for most ball-holding display shows.
Added the Lyman's Lament rule.
Version 1.06
Addition: An audit for starting the Frankenstein 'last chance' feature has now been added.
Addition: A high score for mosh pit multiball has now been added.
Addition: Some new sounds and speech have been added.
Addition: Some artwork has been added to the Monster Bash and Monsters of Rock display awards.
Bug fix: When the random award would give out a silver bullet, the full moon fever grace period would not allow the random award to complete. This has now been fixed.
Bug fix: Some messages were not being displayed correctly in the custom message- this has now been fixed.
Bug fix: A typo in the spelling of the adjustment for auto-flip disable has been corrected.
Bug fix: Multiball total display effects. Occasionally a multiball total display effect might run more than once for the same multiball. This has now been fixed.
Bug fix: Some problems with some of the presets for the 'install' features have been fixed. "Install medium" and default settings are now the same, as originally intended.
Bug fix: Last chance feature with Frankenstein running with flaming torch was not blinking the lamp for the launch button. This has now been fixed.
Bug fix: During the Lyman's Lament cheat, if the player earns the feature again, the player will now be credited with the points for the award.
Bug fix: The way the mosh pit multiball total was being displayed has now been fixed.
Change: The long period of silence between game end and high score/match being displayed has been shortened.
Change: The Tomb Treasure target will now award 2 bumper hits toward lighting the Mummy Mayhem mode (when multiball is not active).
Change: Frankenstein table and up/down bank motors will now not be activated if a switch is shorted out. Test report will now detect and report if a row is shorted, so the switch compensation mode will take over.
Change: Auto-flip can now be moved by lane-change if only 1 lane works. (In this case, the light will toggle with the flipper).
Change: Lock post on the right ramp has been enhanced to stay up longer at the start of Frankenstein mutliball mode, and for Frankenstein 'last chance', to compensate for a Frankenstein table motor that might be running slower than normal.
Change: The French preset to include maximum stacked extra balls has now been changed to 1 (adjustment A.1 03).
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI With a game started, press the following sequence: B, 11L, 1R, 5L, 1R, 6L, 1R. If entered successfully Lyman Sheats will say 'Totally' and your next award at the 'venue' scoop will be 'Lyman's Lament'.
STAFF Progettazione di: George Gomez Grafiche di: Kevin ÒConnor Punti/Animazione di: Adam Rhine Meccanismi di: Chris Shipman, Robert C. Friesl Musica e suoni by: Vince Pontarelli Software di: Lyman F. Sheats Jr.
Android (31 mag. 2012, "The Pinball Arcade")
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=5502&o=2
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Monster Bash
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Monster Bash (1.0)
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