Mahjong Lemon Angel is a strip mahjong game based on the late-night TV, adult anime "Lemon Angel." The game features the three main characters from the series, Shima Erika (17), Emoto Miki(17), and Sakurai Tomo (16) with each girl appearing in one introductory sequence and five strip sequences apiece.
At the start of the game the player has the option to start with 10,000 betting points for one credit or 30,000 for two credits. After making this choice, the player gets to select the first opponent. After every winning hand, the player is shown a strip sequence and is awarded a lemon which can be used to buy cheat items with. Players may save up lemons in order to buy better items. After winning five hands against the current opponent, the player advances to the next girl. Game play continues until all strip sequences have been revealed or the player runs out of betting funds.
DATI TECNICI CPU principale: Motorola M6809 (@ 4 Mhz), uPD7807 (@ 9 Mhz) Chip sonori: SN76496 (@ 4 Mhz), DAC
"Lemon Angel" originally aired on Fuji TV from 1987 to 1988 and was produced as part of the "Cream Lemon" adult anime meta-series.
There was also a "Lemon Angel" pop-idol group which released five music albums. The members of "Lemon Angel" provided the voices for the characters in the anime and share the same names.
STAFF Designers: Boku no Seija, Nai Direttore musicale / Sound designer: Endodon Music arrange composers: K. Fuji, T. Nakajima
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Mahjong Lemon Angel
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Mahjong Lemon Angel (Japan)
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