Western style shooting game featuring digitized characters. The game consists of 5 stages: Bank Robbery, Stage Hold-Up, Saloon Showdown, Train Robbery, and Hide-Out.
The player begins the game holding the rank of Sheriff, but if too many innocents or fellow lawmen are killed, the player can be demoted to Deputy or even Posse member. Complete a stage without killing any innocents, and the player is promoted to Deputy Marshal, further success can eventually lead to the player being promoted to the level of U.S. Marshal.
The player's gun can hold up to 6 bullets at a time. On each stage, there are special items that can be shot to reveal better weaponry, such as double rigs, rifles, 50 caliber sharps, shotguns, gatling guns and cannon. The gatling guns and cannon can only be used once but the double rigs, rifles, 50 caliber sharps and shotguns can be reloaded the same way as your regular 6-gun. Once a life is lost, any additional weapons are lost and the player is once again armed with only a 6-gun.
CURIOSITÀ Lethal Enforcers II è stato rilasciato in Giappone nel Marzo 1994.
This game is known as "Lethal Enforcers II - Gun Fighters" outside Japan.
AGGIORNAMENTI La versione USA ha la schermata "Recycle It, Don't Trash It!".
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI Unlike the first game, some enemies here can take two shots to kill, depending on how you hit them.
The bosses on Stage 3 (the saloon showdown) are three gunslingers who need to be shot in the order that they try to draw their guns one after another, and if you fail to take them down properly, you'll have to try again. This can be very difficult to clear when two people are playing, since six gunslingers will appear, three for each player, and if one player fails, both players will have to face the gunslingers on their side again!
On the third area of Stage 5 (the hideout in the mining compound), you can shoot and break the cable for the mine elevator to reduce the number of enemies who appear in it.
Lethal Enforcers [Modello GX191] (1992)
Lethal Enforcers II - The Western [Modello GX312] (1994)
Seigi no Hero (2005)
Staff: Yoshiaki Hatano, Jun Narita, Steve Johnson, Tetsuya Wada, T. Sekito, Yuichi Sakakura, Masahiro Ueno, Norio Takemoto, A. Nonami, H. Matsuura, T. Murayama, T. Maki, Toshiyuki Kakuta
Cast: Angela Wolf, Bill Lenkowski, Bonnie Geils, Dan Monaghan, Debbie Puglia, George Limonez, Jennifer Lenarz, John Malek, Josie Nawrot, Juan Venecia, Jun Narita, Kathie McCarthy, Kay Wolf Jones, Kevin ÒDonohue, Laura Fanella, Linda Nelson, Mark Porwit, Marlyse Cohen, Masahiro Ueno, Matt Chang, Meg Benes, Michael Blaustein, Michael Koziol, Michael Rudowicz, Michael Smith, Mike Gallo, Mike Rubin, Morlot Williams, Norio Takemoto, Patrick Kamka, Randy Severin, Renee Henry, Rich Wisniewski, Richard Rush, Rudy Rivera, Steve Bolf, Steve Jackson, Steve Johnson, Tetsuya Wada, Tina Ferguson, Xyla Gatilao, Yoshiaki Hatano
[US] [EU] [AU] Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (1994) [EU] Sega Mega-CD (1994) [US] Sega CD (nov 1994) [Modello T-95025] [JP] Sega Mega-CD (nov 1994) "Lethal Enforcers II - The Western [Modello T-95034]" [US] Sony PlayStation (1997) "Lethal Enforcers I & II [Modello SLUS-00293]" [EU] Sony PlayStation (nov 1997) "Lethal Enforcers I & II [Modello SLES-00542]" [JP] Sony PlayStation (nov 1997) "Lethal Enforcers Deluxe Pack [Modello SLPM-86025]"
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Lethal Enforcers II: Gun Fighters
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Lethal Enforcers II: Gun Fighters (ver UAA)
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