With your super kung-fu skills, penetrate the enemy's headquarters to rescue the Chris family.
At the end of the 20th century, the world has gone through vast changes. Country borders around the world are constantly changing and every day brings further territorial expansion and new threats of power struggles.
A member of the World Secret Police Organization (WSPO) has obtained information about an upcoming coup, but before it could be turned over to the WSPO he and his daughter were captured. Before his capture he was able to send a detailed letter to his counterpart in the People's Republic of China, code-named Kuri Kinton, along with a plea for help.
It's all up to Kuri Kinton now to save the captives and restore the delicate balance of power.
DATI TECNICI Runs on the Taito L System Hardware. Numero scheda: J1100147A Adesivi prom: B42
CURIOSITÀ Kuri Kinton è stato rilasciato in Giappone nel Luglio 1988.
Il titolo di questo gioco si traduce dal giapponese come 'Honor League Gold Association'. Note that there is a Japanese dish called 'kuri-kinton' which is mashed sweet potatoes and chestnuts.
Zuntata Records ha pubblicato un album della colonna sonora in edizione limitata di questo gioco (Zuntata History L'ab-normal 1st - ZTTL-0038) il 1º Aprile 1999.
AGGIORNAMENTI The known prototype version has:
Difficulty very unoptimized.
Dipswitches for invincibility and slow motion.
No end credits.
No water in level 2/3, only brown garbage instead.
Some other minor things (graphic glitches vs. bosses, bad-oriented continue screen, etc.).
The green carpet in level 2 isn't animated.
Holding down the Attack button charges up your power and allows you to shoot an energy ball.
When you stand still for a period of time, an aura appears around your body, which increases your attack and defence power. Your aura has three phases and can be upgraded from red to yellow and then to blue:
-- Red Aura: Increases attack power by 25%. Disappears when hit. -- Yellow Aura: Increases attack power by 50%. Downgrades to red when hit. -- Blue Aura: Increases attack power by 75%. Downgrades to yellow when hit.
Pay close attention to your energy level as well as the energy level of attacking enemies.
The game ends when you run out of energy or the last boss is destroyed.
There are a total of five different levels and a powerful leader to eliminate at the end of each level. When you destroy a leader, you will be awarded bonus points and extra power, and you will advance to the next level.
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Kuri Kinton
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Kuri Kinton (World, prototype?)
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