[url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=kof98n]The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - dream match never ends (not encrypted) (romset kof98n) on Arcade Database[/url]
[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=kof98n&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=kof98n]The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - dream match never ends (not encrypted) (romset kof98n) on Arcade Database[/url]
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=kof98n'>The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - dream match never ends (not encrypted) (romset kof98n) on Arcade Database</a>
<a href='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=kof98n'><img alt='' src='http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=kof98n&type=ingame'><br/>The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - dream match never ends (not encrypted) (romset kof98n) on Arcade Database</a>
NOTA: Questi dati si riferiscono al gioco parent kof98 - The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends (NGM-2420)
The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest is a one-on-one fighting game for one or two players, featuring 38 selectable characters. As with previous games in the series, players can choose between two different playing styles: Advance and Extra.
Extra is similar to KOF94 and is more suited to defensive play, as the fighters only have one power gauge and cannot run. They can instead sidestep to avoid incoming attacks and can also perform unlimited super moves when their energy is low.
Advanced mode gives the fighters the evasive roll introduced in "King of Fighters '96" and lets them store up to three full power gauges at once. This means they can choose to expend a gauge to get a damage boost, rather than letting it happen automatically. It also allows fighters to use more than one gauge to inflict more powerful versions of their super moves (instead of having to wait until their health is low). Fighters can also expend a gauge to quick roll out of an attack after successfully blocking it.
Both the 'Extra' and 'Advanced' modes have been tweaked since the previous game. Unlike KOF '97, fighters will return to normal if they perform a Super Special Move in MAX state. Also, when a fighter loses a round, they are given a handicap in their favor. In Extra mode, the time it takes to charge their power gauge to its maximum level is shortened. In Advance mode, the fighter's stock capacity of Power Gauges is increased by one.
DATI TECNICI Gira sull'hardware SNK "Neo-Geo MVS". ID gioco: NGM-242
Questo gioco è noto in Giappone come "The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends".
It is said that this game is a 'dream match' for more reasons than one - this KOF is said to exist only in Shingo's dream - each character in this dream match was Shingo's impression of these characters, based on either personal experience or his notes in his notebook.
Yuri has a long record of taking movements from other characters, especially Capcom (see previous KOF entries). In this new opus: Yuri's new special attack 'Shin! Chou Upper' is a knock off of Ryu's Shin Shoryuu Ken. She also has a movement similar to Terry's burn knuckle. Finally, her Forward+A is a parody of Sakura's Flower Kick.
KOF98 contains pieces of music from older KOFs. For example, the character select music when a second player joins in is straight from KOF 96 (it's called Roulette). Here's a complete list of themes, the teams (or individuals) they belong to and the games they were taken from: Esaka? (Japan Team): KOF 96 (Japan Team's theme music). Esaka (95-style Kyo Kusanagi): KOF 94 (Japan Team's theme music). Kurikinton (Fatal Fury Team): Fatal Fury 2 (Terry Bogard's theme music). Art of Fight (Art of Fighting Team): Art of Fighting (Ryo Sakazaki's and Ryuhaku Todo's theme music). Rumbling in the City (Ikari Team): KOF 96 (Ikari Team's theme music). Shin! Senritsu no Dora (Psycho Soldier Team): KOF95 (Psycho Soldier Team's theme music). Fairy (Gals Fighters Team): KOF 96 (Chizuru Kagura's theme music). Seoul Town (Korea Team): Real Bout Fatal Fury (Kim Kaphwan's theme music). Bloody (New Face Team): KOF 97 (New Face Team's theme music). Rhythmic Hallucination (Orochi Yashiro): KOF 97 (Orochi New Face Team's theme music). C62 (Ryuji Yamazaki): Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Ryuji Yamazaki's theme music). Blue Mary's Blues (Blue Mary): Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Blue Mary's theme music). London March (Billy Kane): Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Billy Kane's theme music). Arashi no Saxophone (Iori Yagami): KOF 95 (Revenge Team's theme music). Arashi no Saxophone 2 (Mature, Vice): KOF 96 (Iori Team's theme music). Slum No. 5 (USA Sports Team): KOF 94 (USA Sports Team's theme music). Still Green (Shingo Yabuki): KOF 97 (Shingo Yabuki's theme music). Ketchaku R&D (Omega Rugal): first half from KOF 94 (Rugal Bernstein's theme music), second half from KOF 95 (Omega Rugal's theme music). Ne! ('94 Gals Fighters Team): KOF 94 (Gals Fighters Team's theme music).
Also to note that the music that is played prior to facing Rugal (Kettou R&D) is also from KOF 94 (as the theme for Rugal's first form).
When Choi Bounge appears, a 7 seconds sample from a song is played. This song is 'Choi Bounge Ondo', which appeared in the KOF 97 Arrange SoundTracks. The song became quite popular in Giappone.
Mr. Big from "Art of Fighting" makes a small cameo appearance negli USA Wharf background, during the first rounds.
About Kyo Version 95: Because the introduction of different versions for this character included as "hidden features" in KOF '97 was such a hit with fans, designers thought, another version of Kyo in KOF '98 would make the game more inviting. Designers also remember that both versions for Kyo Kusanagi for game tests were equally popular. This concept for different versions of this character subsequently became the basis for the 'Kyo clones'.
In the Japan Street stage, during the second round if you look in the middle of the background where some shops are, you can see tiny moving people who look like Iori, Mai and Terry Bogard. In the third and fifth round, you can see two people doing hand signals, they look similar to Kyo Kusanagi & Shingo Yabuki. In the fourth round, you can see Mai and Terry.
A serious bug: Using a USA bios rom if you insert a coin on the 'winners don't use drugs' screen on a single slot the games will use the neo+geo bios s1 tile-set rather than the game tiles, this causes most of the graphics to be hidden and the games to be unplayable, it will also end up using the main-board z80 bios so sound will be broken, the games should fix themselves if you let them run another attact loop after game over, on a multi-slot the games will reset. This is one of the first 4 'gigapower' games, the bug was fixed after that.
Leona, Ralph and Clark are playable characters in the Foma 90x Series Mobile Phones game 'Metal Slug Survivors'.
Pubblicazioni della colonna sonora: [JP] Aug. 19, 1998; The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends [PCCB-00334] - Pony Canyon. [JP] Sep. 18, 1998; The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends Arrange Sound Trax [PCCB-00337] - Pony Canyon. (JP] Oct. 07, 1998; The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends Drama CD [PCCB-00339] - Pony Canyon.
AGGIORNAMENTI At the Intro music (CIPHER) and the Staff Roll BGM (ZERO) a sample used says 'moter fuer'. Apparently, this sample was removed in some non-Japanese carts.
Orochi Team (Evil Chris, Evil Shermie, Evil Yashiro):
At the Character select screen, hold Start and press any button on the normal team (Chris, Shermie, Yashiro).
KOF94 Art of Fighting characters (Ryo, Robert, Yuri):
At the character select screen, hold Start and press any button on the Art of Fighting characters.
KOF95 style Kyo:
At the Character select screen, hold Start on Kyo and press any button.
Real Bout 2 characters (Mai, Terry, Andy, Billy):
At the Character select screen, hold Start on the respective characters and press any button.
View attitudes:
Hold Start at the match-up screen to view the attitudes of your opponents.
Select victory pose:
Immediately press A, B, C, or D after defeating your opponent.
Fight Vs Shingo Yabuki:
You must win the first three levels by 3-0.
Finish the game using one of these combinations to see the special endings:
[JP] SNK Neo-Geo AES (Sep. 23, 1998) "The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends [Modello NGH-242]" [JP] SNK Neo-Geo CD (Dec. 23, 1998) "The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends [Modello NGCD-2420]" [JP] SNK Neo-Geo CD (Dec. 23, 1998) "The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends [Limited Edition] [Modello NGCD-24201]" [JP] SNK Neo-Geo Pocket Color (Mar. 19, 1999) "King of Fighters R-2 [Pocket Kakutou Series] [Modello NEOP00230]" [JP] Sony PlayStation (Mar. 25, 1999) "The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends [Modello SLPM-86201]" [JP] Sega Dreamcast (june.24, 1999) "The King of Fighters - Dream Match 1999 [Modello T-3101M]" [JP] Sony PlayStation (Mar. 09, 2000) "The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends [SNK Best Collection] [Modello SLPM-86435]" [JP] Sega Dreamcast (Dec. 21, 2000) "The King of Fighters - Dream Match 1999 [Dreamcast Collection] [Modello T-3105M]" [JP] Sony PlayStation (Mar. 27, 2003) "The King of Fighters '98 - Dream Match Never Ends [PSone Books] [Modello SLPS-91512]"
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The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - dream match never ends
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The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - dream match never ends (not encrypted)
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