Pubblicazione per l'esportazione. Gioco sviluppato in Giappone. Consultare l'originale "Jungle King" per maggiori informazioni su questo gioco (except for differences and ports listed here).
CURIOSITÀ Jungle Hunt è stato rilasciato negli USA nell'Ottobre 1982.
This reworked version of "Jungle King" was the end result of a copyright infringement lawsuit filed against Taito by the estate of Edgar Rice Burroughs, the creator of Tarzan.
Here's what makes Jungle Hunt different from Jungle King:
Music is played at the places where the Tarzan yell was originally heard - at the beginning of the game and at the end of the avalanche stage - the same music that plays upon completion of the river stage.
The player character is a safari-suited jungle explorer clad in a pith helmet, jacket, and shorts, instead of the Tarzan look-alike.
The life-lines that the player character swings on between the trees in the first stage are ropes instead of vines.
The original version of the game, known as Jungle King, featured a character who looked like the well known (and very much copyrighted) Tarzan. The character even sounded like Tarzan when he bellowed out the famous scream after finishing the boulder stage (and at the beginning of the game). So, for legal reasons, the name was changed to 'Jungle Hunt' and the player character was changed to resemble a classic safari-suited jungle explorer complete with the standard issue pith helmet, jacket, and shorts. The bellowed scream at the end of the boulder stage was also entirely removed, replaced by the music from the end of the river stage.
A Jungle Hunt unit appears nel film del 1983 'WarGames'.
Michael Torcello detiene il record ufficiale di questo gioco con 1,510,220 points.
MB (Milton Bradley) released a board-game based on this video-game (same name) in 1983.
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Jungle Hunt
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Jungle Hunt (US)
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