DATI TECNICI Williams WPC-Security System Numero modello: 50042
CPU principale: Motorola M6809 (@ 2 MHz) CPU sonora: ADSP2015 (@ 10 MHz) Chip sonoro: DAC DMA-basato (@ 10 MHz)
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nell'Ottobre 1995. 2,756 units were produced.
Based on the 1995 movie, starring Keanu Reeves.
Cow 1: Sometimes during Midnight Multiball a 'Moo!' can be heard and seen on the display when a switch is hit. This only occurs once per multiball and +/- 50 % of the multiballs.
Cow 2: Wait long enough during attract mode and then press either one of the flipper buttons or the launch button. At random occasions you may hear a 'Moo!'.
Crazy Bob operates the 3x3 matrix.
AGGIORNAMENTI Version 0.4 Date: August 25, 1995
This is the release of software for production of sample games.
Version 1.0 Date: October 2, 1995
This is the release of software for production.
Added a cyberspace multiball lamp effect.
Fixed a condition where the left diverter did not always open following a ball plunge into the jets.
Fixed a condition where following the first Cyberspace Multiball, the hand popper shot call arrow would be lit for no reason.
Changed the throwing spikes to carry from ball-to-ball until they are completed the first time.
Can now cancel buy-in on the launch button.
Added a game over lamp effect.
Corrected a display error where at game over with multiple players, a portion of the final player up's score would be partially wiped away.
Added (non Tournament) hand cabinet button cheat codes.
Changed touch tone multiball jackpot rules to be worth the effort of making the shots.
Now the hand is moved to the back during game over to improve the chances of the hand being in an optimal position for shipment.
If we determine the hand to be broken, and we are trying to clear the hand popper (except in multiball) the diverter is opened to give the ball additional room to exit.
Fixed a condition where the game over music would terminate prematurely.
Improved flaky ball-in-hand switch behavior.
Changed hand popper behavior to switch to a soft kick after failing to clear, when the hand is not marked bad.
Version 1.1 Date: October 2, 1995
The text TO ADVANCE YAKUZA and POWER MASTER now fits the display in all languages.
Added a ball search delay at the end of Powerdown during the YOU ARE THE MASTER speech.
Version 1.2 Date: October 31, 1995
Corrected an erroneous error report on hand detected during burn-in.
Increased hand popper kick strength slightly for use when hand is broken.
Made the matrix award relative position more random.
Incorporated new Tournament Mode code fixes.
CONSIGLI E TRUCCHI Start a game just before midnight to enable 'Midnight Multiball'.
Tournament Mode: press and hold both flipperbuttons for about 5 seconds during attract mode, then watch the display.
STAFF Designer: George Gomez Artwork: John Youssi Software: Tom Uban Punti/Animazione: Adam Rhine, Brian Morris Meccanismi: Tom Kopera Musica e suoni: Dave Zabriskie
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=3526&o=2
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Johnny Mnemonic
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Johnny Mnemonic (0.5R)
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