DATI TECNICI Midway WPC (DCS) Numero modello: 20020
CPU principale: Motorola M6809 (@ 2 MHz) CPU sonora: ADSP2105 (@ 10 Mhz) Chip sonori: DAC DMA-basato (@ 10 Mhz)
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nell'Agosto 1993.
This game is based on the original '2000 AD' comic book series, not the movie.
This game was part of WMS' SuperPin series. It is also the only game in the line to feature a SuperGame mode (which costs two credits to play).
The criminal in '35 years for arms dealing' is the girl getting kissed from "Creature from The Black Lagoon".
The criminal in '15 years for auto theft' is the snackbar operator from "Creature from The Black Lagoon".
AGGIORNAMENTI Version L-1 Date: August 18, 1993
Initial release for production.
Version L-2 Date: August 25, 1993
Balls are no longer locked on planet ring.
Version L-3 Date: August 30, 1993
German pricing fix.
Version L-4 Date: September 8, 1993
USA pricing fix.
Version L-5 Date: September 27, 1993
Added audits on left and right drains.
Left ramp enter switch no longer reports errors.
Improved right ball shooter logic.
Version L-6 Date: October 12, 1993
Changed 'lock ball' message due to rule change.
Changed USA default pricing from $0.50 to 6/$2
Fixed planet test switch number.
Switch 28 (not used) no longer shows up in test report.
Increased delays between firing of certain coils to reduce stress on the coil fuse.
Version L-7 Date: January 6, 1994
Fixed pricing for Italy buy-in.
Improved the ball shooter logic -- left and right.
Fixed the SuperGame replay level calculation.
Added a ball saver timer adjustment.
Added coin door interlock message.
Press the red buttons when:
1) You shoot the Sniper Tower to recollect the value and the sniper smacks into a wire fence. 2) The Safecracker guy opens the safe and smiles. 3) Judge Dredd speaks into a C.B. and tells you to 'get the Extra Ball'.
Hidden audits: In Attract mode when the display reads CREDITS, press 1L,1R,1L,1R,1L quickly. This will show audits about played Super Games.
STAFF Designer: John Trudeau (Dr. Flash) (J T) Artwork: Kevin ÒConnor Software: Jeff Johnson (JBJ) DMD Animation: Scott Slomiany, Eugene Geer Meccanismi: Ernie Pizarro Music: Paul Heitsch (PNH), Vince Pontarelli Suoni: Paul Heitsch
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=5299&o=2
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Judge Dredd
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Judge Dredd (L-6)
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