[img]http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=ij_l3&type=ingame[/img] [url=http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/?mame=ij_l3]Indiana Jones (L-3) (romset ij_l3) on Arcade Database[/url]
DATI TECNICI Williams WPC (DCS) Numero modello: 50017
CPU principale: Motorola M6809 (@ 2 Mhz) CPU sonora: ADSP2105 (@ 10 Mhz) Chip sonori: DMA-basato (@ 10 Mhz)
CURIOSITÀ Rilasciato nel Luglio 1993. This was the first pinball game to use Williams / Midway's new DCS Sound system. This game was part of WMS' SuperPin series.
First pinball machine with a player-controlled mini playfield.
Features custom speech by actor John Rhys-Davies (Sallah).
12,716 units were produced.
One of the jackpot awards during Quick Multiball is "The Fish of Tayles". This is a reference to Mark Ritchie's previous game, 1992's "Fish Tales".
Watch the background during the Shoot Again animation, the top right figure is a cow and DOHO can be seen to the left of it.
DOHO is written vertically on the crate to the right in the match animation. DOHO can be seen on the road sign in the Dr. Jones loop animation sequence.
During 'Find Marion' mode, after finding Marion, the shoot out scene can be ended in 2 ways; either shooting the mode start hole, or pulling the gun trigger. After completing the shootout sequence, a face of a woman can be seen on the side of the building in the background.
Michael Jackson used to own this game (Serial number: 53317160772). È stato venduto all'asta ufficiale di Michael Jackson il 24 Apr. 2009.
AGGIORNAMENTI Version P-4 Date: July 13, 1993
Added buy-in.
Added a bunch of adjustments.
Added translations.
Added light shows and effects.
Version L-1 Date: July 16, 1993
Initial release to production.
Added some light shows.
Version L-2 Date: July 17, 1993
Slowed down the blink rate on the buy-in button lamp.
Version L-3 Date: July 22, 1993
Changed plane sounds on the hurry up mode.
Changed logic on the diverter after jackpot collected.
Version L-4 Date: August 3, 1993
Enhanced ball search on the popper.
Version L-5 Date: September 2, 1993
This version allows use of French Text (A.2 21 Language can now be set to French).
Version L-6 Date: October 13, 1993
Updated pricing modes to enable $1.00 play.
Fixed a problem in the "complete all modes" that could cause the mini playfield shots to not be collectable.
The Gun Trigger would not allow buy-in if player tilted on the last ball (NOTE: The Gun Trigger does not normally cause buy-in; it must be set that way by adjustment).
Drop targets are no longer cycled when the coin door is open. This prevents them from being marked bad because the interlock switch is open.
Fixed the third pass of Choose Wisely, which moved very slowly.
Version L-7 Date: November 22, 1993
Added a delay on switching the mini-playfield motor direction to help keep the motor from fatiguing.
Lengthened the firing time on the Path of Adventure up/down post coil.
Lengthened the firing time on the underplayfield trough post coil.
STAFF Playfield Design & Concepts: Mark Ritchie (MDR) Illustration & Conceptual Design: Doug Watson (DTW) Software & Concepts: Brian Eddy (BRE) Mechanical Design: Jack Skalon (JWS) Sounds: Chris Granner, Rich Karstens Video Animation: Scott Slomiany (Scott Matrix), Eugene Geer Support: Lou Isbitz, Karen Trybula
Ringraziamenti speciali a: George Lucas, all the People at LucasFilm Lecensing Division
CONTRIBUISCI Modifica questa scheda: https://www.arcade-history.com/?&page=detail&id=5291&o=2
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Indiana Jones
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Indiana Jones (L-3)
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